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Lemon Lover
17| thin walls

"Why'd you call last night?"

Calum's eyes were surprisingly awake as he looked up at the girl who was 10 minutes late for class, watching her take a seat beside him.

"No reason...", she lied as a familiar feeling crept up inside her, an old friend with rotten claws and teeth as dark as the nights in which it stole her sleep, buried deep inside her heart yet alive as her, crawling around in the corners of her aching brain.

Her lie was obvious. It was evident in the hint of fright in the lakes of her eyes, as if his words reminded her of something horrific, so he didn't ask. He simply apologised. "I'm sorry I didn't call back. I only got off at 4am."

"Yeah...", she was talking slowly, touching her heated skull in an attempt to calm the corrosive fire burning like the sting of alcohol in an open wound as she tried to sort her thoughts racing like a snail. "No, it's fine. I don't care. It wasn't important anyway."

Slowly the storm of white noise in her head decreased, allowing her thoughts to flow again.

"So why'd you call?", he insisted, only to make sure it really didn't mean much. It didn't. "Just wanted to see if you were down for some casual vandalism.", Ava joked as her mind had finally calmed down.

Amusement tugged the corners of his mouth upwards, as he offered "Well, I'm free tonight."

"Really?", Ava was surprised that he hadn't made plans already, seeing as she had overheard his red haired friend talk about a party the day before. "No party to go to? It's Friday."

"Shit", Calum cursed out a little too loud, causing a few students to turn their heads. After a quick break he continued, this time in a more hushed voice. "I forgot that Luke and Mike are throwing a party tonight."

Calum was facing her entirely, making his disinterest in the professor's words obvious. She had already figured he wasn't all that interested in architecture, only did she not quite understand why he was studying it then.

"I have to be there. They're my best friends. Did I mention they live in the flat above mine and Ashton's?", Calum rambled.

"Yeah, you did. It's fine though, really. Have your fun.", Ava reassured, pinning him as the type of guy to rather go drinking and have a one night stand with some hot college girl than to get high with her under a bridge somewhere.

"You should really come.", he suggested, catching her by surprise.

Was she supposed to be some booty call or was he only trying to be polite?

"If you want you can come early and help prepare the shots and cocktails. We always listen to music and play twister.", he giggled. "I know it's for kids but trust me it's fun, especially if you're tipsy."

Ava didn't drink beer or vodka, she despised the taste, however the cocktails sounded tempting. "Okay", she finally agreed.

"Swing around by 7?", Calum asked. "I'll text you the address."

Luke and Michael's flat was a reproduction of Calum and Ashton's, seen as it was right above it.

Upon entering the flat, you automatically entered the living area. It was a quite big room, housing both the living room and the kitchen.

The kitchen, however, looked more like a bar since it had barstools in front of a counter area that was currently covered in shot glasses of plastic and the typical red cups, as well as several bottles of alcoholic drinks and numerous fruits.

There was a twister matt sprawled over the wooden tiles just like Calum had told her.


Calum and Ashton still hadn't arrived and Ava herself was over 15 minutes late. She was feeling awkward to say the least.

Luke had opened the door for her, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and had directly after excused himself to get dressed while his roommate Michael was still in the shower.

She had only been there for about two minutes, but she already contemplated leaving again.

She decided against it, instead sending her friend a text, hoping for a quick response.

where are yiu


Sorry I just got out of the shower

I'll be upstairs in 10

Come downstairs if you want

does your roommate mind?

Shortly after hitting send Ava could hear muffed yelling from the flat below. She couldn't make out the exact words, but figured, he was asking his roommate for allowance to invite her over.

Ashton's response, however, she could understand just fine. It sounded like he was standing in the exact same spot Ava did, only a floor lower.

"Are they hot?"

Ava snorted in amusement, concentrating to understand Callum's response.

She didn't.

But Ashton's answer gave it away. "Then sure"

Looking back down at her phone, Ava could see that Calum was typing, but decided to quickly cut him off with a message of her own.

you think i'm hot huh

She imagined Calum's face to form a slightly tormented grimace, her inner voice reading his response in an embarrassed pitch, not knowing that he was smirking at his phone in the bathroom below.

You heard that?

your walls are tbin as fuck

Trust me I know

So you coming?



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