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Lemon Lover
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Calum had decided to leave his car at home that night, not wanting to attract her parents' attention with an unfamiliar vehicle parked outside their residence at night in case they took a glance out the window on their nightly trip to the bathroom or in case some nosy neighbors would ask them why their daughter entered a stranger's car at half past two in the morning.

There were many reasons, many excuses he could've told, when actually he was just in a desperate need of fresh air.

Crushing the half way finished cigarette under his shoe, the second one he had smoked on his way, he regarded the house opposite of him. With a sigh he realized, that he found himself outside her place way too often lately.

It was only Tuesday night, well, it was Wednesday already, and he had only really met her at that party last Friday night. Yet here he was, waiting for her to come outside instead of sneaking into her bedroom.

Pulling out his phone from his back pocket, Calum decided to text her. The digital clock on his display had just switched to 2:33 when he pressed send.


Barely two minutes later, Calum heard a sliding noise followed by a thud and cursing before the dark haired girl appeared, emerging from the shadows on the side of the building. She spotted him rather quickly, leaning against a street lantern on the opposite side of the street.

After shaking her left foot with an unnerved expression, Ava made her way over to him, erotic printed tote bag in hand, just now less filled. "Woah, where are you coming from?", Calum spoke at a raised volume, so Ava could understand him despite the several meters of street between them, not considering the silence surrounding them for one second.

"Shh, not so loud.", she hissed before coming to a stop on the pavement in front of him. "You really think I sneak out the front door? My parents have dog."

"A dog?", he repeated, hushing his words as they started to walk down the road. "I always wanted a dog." He didn't know where exactly they were going, so he simply followed her lead, making easy conversation.

"Well it's my parents' dog and she has favourites.", Ava rolled her eyes, accelerating her steps ever so slightly in order to leave her street as quickly as possible, a percussion she still took even when knowing her parents didn't stand at the window all night, watching over their surroundings.

"And you're not the favourite?", he guessed, making her sigh. It was obvious she didn't enjoy talking about her family.

Maybe, Calum thought, in her family she was nobody's favourite.

"No, she only likes me when I come home through the front door.", her voice was bitter, her unsatisfied need for love present in her eyes that were fixed on anything but him to hide the things she didn't want him to see.

"Not a dog person, I'm assuming?", he tried to shift the topic to something more general. He would've asked about the name and breed of her dog, but he didn't want to push the subject any further.

"I like cats and dogs, it's kinda ironic.", Ava snorted slightly in an attempt to lighten her own mood since he seemingly didn't notice her discomfort. "Why's it ironic?"

Ava met Calum's confused eyes with a slightly awkward expression as she had to explain her own joke, one that wasn't even that funny. "I like both.", she carefully stated, praying she wasn't faced with a homophobe.

Great, she had successfully altered her already uncomfortable mood into utter awkwardness.

"Oh, it's because you're bi.", he realized, shifting the confusion to Ava's side. There was no possible way he could've known that since she had never told him. "You knew?"

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