"Chapter 29: The Klaue Connection Part II"

Start from the beginning

She took a deep breath and suddenly, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she begun ululating in an extremely high pitch and the two gang members behind the car both shot each other once in the head and the other gang member opposite of Joey pointed a gun at his own head and killed himself and everyone exclaimed, "OHHHH SHIT!" and Creole Cheetah stopped and her eyes went back to normal and Lord Connor asked, "Holy shit babe! Where'd you learn that?" 

She answered, "Marie Laveau on American Horror Story." 

Ms. Armageddon then said, "Didn't she do that because she was trying to kidnap a baby and sacrifice it to Papa Legba?" Creole Cheetah replied, "Yeah, but I'm never gonna have to resort to doing that coz I got the Armageddon Gene and hopefully it'll make sure I keep these kinds of powers while also keeping Papa Legba himself or any other Voodoo entity away from my ass." 

The Armageddon Squad then came out of the shadows up to Joey and Mr. Armageddon grabbed the car keys off of one of the dead gang members and told him, "Take these keys, dump the car either south or north of here, go home, get your wife and kids if you have any, leave the city, and start a new life somewhere other than this state or this country." 

Joey nodded silently and Mr. Armageddon handed him the car keys as El Capitan and Rasta Lion stuffed the three dead gang members in the trunk of the car and Joey got in and drove off and The Armageddon Squad retreated back into the shadows to wait for Leonardo. 

Many minutes later, they heard a helicopter flying in their direction and The Armageddon Squad started waking each other up and they all turned invisible as the helicopter flew right over them and towards The Churchill, Mr. Armageddon then said, "Welp, looks like you were right Alejandra." and he said to everyone, "Come on, let's head over there but don't turn visible until it's time for us to attack." 

Everyone nodded and they flew towards The Churchill. 

Once they got to the ship, they watched the helicopter land with their binoculars and soon after, Leonardo and only two of his men came out and El Capitan asked, "Ay, where the hell are his other men?" and Mr. Armageddon answered, "Looks like Leonardo's gonna fly in more men in case Klaue decides to screw him." 

Creole Cheetah then asked, "Wait, who's that?" 

Mr. Armageddon looked and said, "What the...?" 

Police Chief Kurt Thompson had stepped out of the helicopter and Ms. Armageddon said, "Fuck! We forgot Leonardo still pays Thompson." 

Rasta Lion then said, "Maybe his check to him bounced and he promised him he would give him a piece of the action." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Alright, let's get these fuckers." 

Mr. Armageddon then got out his dual Uzis and flew fast towards Leonardo and Klaue and fired a barrage of bullets at them, but they all ducked down except Police Chief Thompson as he was killed in the crossfire. 

Mr. Armageddon then landed on the deck of the ship and shouted, "Get the briefcases!" 

Ms. Armageddon and La Nina Flora then picked up the vibranium and the money and flew off in different directions and Klaue yelled, "Get that money!" and Leonardo yelled, "Get Mr. Armageddon!" 

Mr. Armageddon then said to Leonardo, "Come and get me greaseball!" 

He then ran off towards the stern of the boat on portside and Leonardo and his men chased after him but went on the starboard side. 

Meanwhile, Klaue and his men begun shooting at La Nina Flora and Ms. Armageddon while they were in the air and then they saw the helicopter take off and La Nina said, "Oh shit! That chopper's gonna bring in reinforcements!" and Rasta Lion said, "Don't worry, The Captain's got it but You and Her need to get out of here, go back to the port and wait for us, we'll draw their fire." 

Ms. Armageddon and La Nina Flora then turned invisible and Rasta Lion and Creole Cheetah fired a few warning shots at Klaue and he and his men began firing at them and they flew off to draw their fire, then El Capitan ran to the helicopter and jumped high into the air before landing a devastating uppercut to the bottom of the helicopter which caused it to spin out of control and land into the water. 

Back on the ship, Mr. Armageddon reached the stern, but Leonardo came charging in from starboard and attempted to tackle him but Mr. Armageddon blocked Leonardo's tackle and threw him to the side and immediately shot and killed all of his men but Leonardo charged at Mr. Armageddon again and this time, he successfully tackled him to the ground but Mr. Armageddon fought back and they both got up and looked at each other and Leonardo said, "You have been a complete pain in my fucking ass since the beginning of this goddamn month, and now it's finally time to restore the honor and reputation of my family." 

Mr. Armageddon had a bored expression on his face and asked, "Can we get on with this train wreck you call...your life?" and Leonardo became enraged, and He and Mr. Armageddon began throwing punches at each other wildly with some hitting and some missing and some blocking. 

Lady Maja then saw Mr. Armageddon and Leonardo and she shouted, "Armageddon-kun, I'm coming!" and she ran over to them, but they didn't hear her and then Leonardo punched Mr. Armageddon in the face two times but he punched Leonardo back once and blood slowly ran down from his nose, and he was in shock as he touched his face and saw the blood on his fingers. 

Before he could make another move, Lady Maja tackled Leonardo and rammed him into the ship's railing which stunned him briefly and Lady Maja repeatedly kissed Mr. Armageddon on the cheek and forehead and asked, "Are you ok?" and he answered, "I'm fine, let's go." 

Mr. Armageddon, Lady Maja, and the rest of The Armageddon Squad left the area and met up with Ms. Armageddon and La Nina Flora and Mr. Armageddon said, "Oh my god! I can't believe we just did that shit!" Ms. Armageddon replied, "I know we did a good job but what are we gonna do now that Chief Thompson is dead? We'll have every goddamn cop in Rockford ask us what's going on." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Don't worry, I'm gonna have Lily and Lucy send that copy of the file we got from Leonardo to the Mayor tomorrow morning before they come to my house for my birthday and after that, they'll send the original copy of the file to Lorenzo Marchetti himself, to show him who his son really is." 

Ms. Armageddon then said, "Ok let's go give this vibranium to them and then we'll divide the money in the other briefcase." 

The Armageddon Squad delivered the vibranium to Lily and Lucy and then they divided the money amongst them and then all Armageddon Squad members went back to their homes.

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