"Chapter 27: Jury Duty Guarding Fury"

Start from the beginning

Mr. Armageddon then said, "So unless you wanna come home one hour and find your children's legs broken or a bunch of crooked cops trashing and vandalizing your home, you let us protect you and your children until the trial." 

Lanie then said, "Alright, we'll let you protect us." 

April then said, "Mr. Armageddon, I just received texts from El Capitan and Creole Cheetah that Chester and Oscar have accepted their protection." Mr. Armageddon replied, "That's terrific April, now we just hope Kohane and Alejandra get through to Kim." 

Meanwhile at Chan's Place, Ms. Armageddon and La Nina Flora were following Kim Long around the restaurant, and she said, "I told you I don't need to be protected, I just need to call the police and have them protect me." Ms. Armageddon replied, "Oh yeah? Well, what if Giorgio's dad paid off the police?" 

La Nina Flora then said, "Look Kim, the Marchetti Mafia is not gonna stop until they've made you change your verdict which is why you need us to protect you." Kim replied, "I told you; I don't need your protection." 

She then suddenly slipped on a puddle near the kitchen and La Nina Flora caught her and Ms. Armageddon caught the tray of food she was carrying, and she asked, "Are you sure about that?" 

Kim then said, "Alright fine, you can protect me and thank you for catching me." La Nina Flora answered, "You're welcome." and Ms. Armageddon texted Mr. Armageddon, "Kim agreed to our protection, Operation Jury Duty Guarding Fury is a go." 

For the rest of the day, the Armageddon Squad protected the Jurors from Leonardo and Giorgio's men and at five o'clock in the afternoon, the trial had started and once everyone had been seated, the Armageddon Squad burst through the doors and Mr. Armageddon said, "Stop the trial!" 

The Judge stood up and asked, "Now what the hell is going on here?" 

Ms. Armageddon then said, "Your Honor, we have reason to believe that two members of the jury are goons hired by Giorgio Marchetti himself." 

Everyone gasped and one of the jury members stood up and said, "Now wait a minute here-" 

Lord Connor then shouted, "It's him!" and the man got scared and tried to run away but another man grabbed his arm and Mirlande shouted, "There's the other one!" 

Lady Maja then threw her axe Död at the man who tried to run, and it hit him square in the chest and pinned him to the wall and Mr. Armageddon took out a pistol and shot the man who had grabbed the other man's arm and the Judge asked, "Who the hell are you people?" 

Mr. Armageddon answered, "We're the fucking Armageddon Squad Alliance and we demand that you send this motherfucker back to Baltimore and have his trial there as this was an unfair trial and if you don't believe us then listen to this." 

April then played the whole conversation between Giorgio and Leonardo and the court gasped and the Judge asked, "But how do you know those two were working for Mr. Marchetti?" 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Because we checked the residency records and the last Italian family that lived here, The Rossi Family moved out of this town over five years ago, yet it didn't concern you people that two Italian men who no one in this town had ever heard of and had never lived in this town were assigned to be members of the jury."

Ms. Armageddon then said, "So not only did Giorgio Marchetti rig this trial, you, the jury, and the people in this court fell for their lies and that makes you a dishonorable judge." 

The Judge then looked at Giorgio with an angry expression and said, "Mr. Marchetti, you have tricked and violated the validity and honor of this court and myself and I order that you get the fuck out of my courthouse and our town and be transported back to Maryland where you will be on trial over there, this court is adjourned." 

He then put his gavel down with a loud bang and Giorgio went into tears as the police took him away and The Armageddon Squad left. 

Meanwhile, one of Giorgio's goons called Leonardo while he was waiting outside the courthouse in his car and he answered, "What is it?" and the Goon said, "The Armageddon Squad came and offed our guys in the jury, and they made them transfer the boss back to Maryland." 

Leonardo then became enraged and screamed, "FUUUUUUUUCK!!!!" and then he asked, "Alright, alright, how many of you guys are left?" the Goon answered, "Well there's about maybe five of us including me." and Leonardo said, "Ok, until I can figure out how to help Giorgi again, you guys work for me now, got it?" The Goon replied, "G-got it, boss." 

Leonardo then hung up the phone and called Dr. Leopold and asked, "Doc, what's the status on that damn hair sample?" Dr. Leopold answered, "I told you it's still not done yet, it still has to scan every molecule and narrow down the possible carriers of this kind of hair. Right now, ze machine's narrowed it down to Asian Males from the ages of Fourteen to Eighteen with brown hair and the list is gonna keep narrowing down until it finds an exact match." 

Leonardo then said, "Damn it! Ok, I'm going back to Rockford and I'm gonna go meet Ulysses Klaue and when I get back home, that list better have shrunken down by then." 

Leonardo then hung up and started his car and said, "Wasted three damn hours of premium gas and lost four guys just to be fucked over by Mr. Armageddon again." 

He then drove off back to Rockford.

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