"Chapter 21: American Annihilation Phase I"

Start from the beginning

April then said, "I am also detecting trace amounts of Gamma Radiation emanating from the second guarded structure to the right." 

Everyone was confused and Ms. Armageddon asked, "Gamma Radiation? What would those fucking Kaisers want with that? And how did they even get it?" 

Alejandra then said, "I know where they got it." 

She then sighed and said, "Guys, I'm gonna tell you a story I have never ever told you guys other than my parents who at first didn't believe me but then once they saw, they never doubted me again." 

She then told everyone, "Nine years ago when I was eight, I was visiting my home country of Cuba with My Parents to see me Abuela. One night, I was sleeping in my mother's old room from when she was a child when I was awoken by a bright light outside the window, I couldn't even see but I looked and saw this big aircraft hovering over the neighborhood, but the bright light didn't seem to wake anyone up but me. I wanted to go wake up my parents, but I was afraid that the aircraft would disappear before they got a chance to look at it, so I went outside by myself which now I realized was a stupid mistake. The aircraft saw me and suddenly the bright light was now right above me and suddenly I levitated off the ground and went zooming into the light, there I saw many strange people with blue skin, some of them wearing armor, and some of them in jumpsuits as if they were workers and then the guys with the armor grabbed me and took me to a holding cell and I asked them who they were and they told me that they were a race of aliens known as the Kree and they captured me because apparently I witnessed them abducting someone else and they told me that they were gonna take me to their home planet and have me put to death. I was scared for my life, and I knew that I had to do something, so I did. As soon as they were about to put me in the holding cell I slipped away from them and made my way to the cockpit where I grabbed a guard's pistol and shot the flight crew and I realized that was also a mistake and the ship suddenly crashed, when I woke up, my arm, my leg, and my head were in so much pain but I saw moonlight through an opening so I crawled out of the wreckage and found myself in a forest and as I was struggling to get up, I was blasted away by a huge explosion behind me and I was knocked out again, this time I woke up during the day and suddenly, I didn't feel any pain anymore but then I saw one of those armored guys and he was still alive and he was walking towards me and as soon as I held my hand out to tell him to stop, a beam of energy then shot out of my hand and blasted a hole in his body and killed him, I was completely startled and after I got up, I threw my hands down in disbelief but then I suddenly flew very high into the air and I was scared but then I got the hang of flying and I quickly flew right back to Cuba to find My Parents and then we went home." 

Ms. Armageddon then asked, "Wait, then why were you surprised when you found out you could fly?" and Creole Cheetah asked, "And why didn't you use your powers to cure your mother's cancer?" 

La Nina Flora answered, "My mother got diagnosed way before I discovered my powers and at that time, she was still on chemotherapy but the day after we left, we found out that the chemotherapy wore off and her cancer was spreading more rapidly and because of this I thought that my powers made her cancer worse and I felt really guilty and then a week later, she died and I felt even more guilty so I decided to repress the memory of my powers and eventually I forgot about my powers until last month, also I've only just discovered my healing powers and so far I can only heal wounds, I don't know if I can cure diseases and even if I did have the power to cure my mother's cancer, I still wouldn't have figured it out in time." 

Lily then said, "Actually can I be honest with you people? You always wonder how Me, and My Sister got some of the materials to make all of these gadgets and arc reactors and stuff? We've been taking it from the crash site, and I think that's how the Kaisers found out about the gamma radiation and how they knew us." 

Everyone's eyes were open in surprise, but Mr. Armageddon then said, "Guys, I found the weed fields and it looks like there's a short and weakened part of the wall that we can climb over and into that area with the guards. By the way, do you have any gas masks?" Lily replied, "No, why do you ask?" 

Mr. Armageddon said, "Because I was thinking that maybe we could cause a distraction by burning the weed fields, but we need gas masks or the fumes from the smoke will mess us up, but I got a better plan." 

El Capitan asked, "What is it?" and Mr. Armageddon told everyone, "We'll divide ourselves into two teams, an Assault Team and a Stealth Team. The Assault Team will consist of Lady Maja, Connor, Rasta Lion, El Capitan, and Jamal. The Stealth Team will consist of Me, Ms. Armageddon, La Nina Flora, Creole Cheetah, and Lily. Assault Team is just gonna charge into the front gates and just shoot up the place and just go all out crazy on everyone, just make sure you get every guard's attention on you. Stealth Team will sneak over that low part of the wall and take out the guards outside of those structures, get in the building Lucy and Jordan are being held at, free them, and help the Assault Team pick off what's left of the Kaisers here. Everyone ok with that plan?" 

Everyone said, "Yes." and Mr. Armageddon said, "Ok then Operation: Double A aka American Annihilation is a go." 

Mr. Armageddon flew down the tree back to the Armageddon Squad, pulled his mask down, and kissed Lady Maja on the mouth and whispered, "For luck." 

Lady Maja whispered back, "Thanks." 

Then Connor and Creole Cheetah kissed for luck also and then the Assault Team walked to the front gates of Fort Dylan while the Stealth Team turned invisible except for Lily and went to the low wall.

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