"Chapter 20: A Burning Passion For The Lord"

Start from the beginning

The Armageddon Squad then turned invisible and walked up to one guard each for them and turned visible before punching them hard with a skull breaking Detroit Smash, each of the member's arms were bruised but quickly healed and they all let loose on the rest of the guards. 

Mr. and Ms. Armageddon and were slicing and dicing arms, legs, and heads off with their swords, Lady Maja and El Capitan were hacking and slashing skulls and spines with Dod and Dochair and El Capitan's Machete, Rasta Lion and Creole Cheetah were ripping and tearing faces and torsos with their claws, and La Nina Flora was disintegrating people by firing pulses of energy from her hands. 

Everyone was surprised by La Nina Flora's power. 

After killing all of the Kaisers outside and the ones coming out of the building, they busted down the door and Mr. Armageddon shouted, "Luke Michaelson, you get your ass out here NOW!!!!" 

They then started ripping pews off the floor in search of the Pastor, then they went up to the podium and knocked it off the altar, but after that, they saw a small trap door under the podium, so they ripped it open and there, they found Pastor Luke Michaelson, balled up so they pulled him up and he said, "Wait, let's talk this out! I didn't do anything wrong! If you let me go now, God will forgive you and I'll be gone, you'll never hear from me or my brother again." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "That's cute, you think god's gonna get you out of this one. Well newsflash...he's not gonna help you because you've slandered his image and his name to the good people of Central Woodridge by preaching Racist, Sexist, and Anti-Homosexual propaganda. Plus, we know about your alliance with the Rockford Chamber of Commerce." 

Connor then asked, "And you think god's gonna forgive you for all of that?" 

Lady Maja then looked and saw a bookshelf that looked slightly ajar, and she asked the Pastor, "Hey Luke, what's behind that bookshelf?" 

Luke's eyes widened and he stammered, "Nothing! Nothing at all!" 

They then brought Luke outside and he looked in horror at all of the bodies of Kaisers and then Lily and Jamal walked up to him, and Lily slapped him hard and angrily asked, "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SISTER YOU FUCKING SICK RACIST CREEP?!!!!! ANSWER ME!!!!" 

She then started throttling Luke with one hand in a fit of rage and Jamal pulled her back, but she was struggling, and Luke said, "I don't know! I never go to them, they come to me." 

Jamal then asked, "Well who's in charge of the RCC?" 

Luke then said, "The commissioner of the RCC is Darryl Markson but right now he's in charge of the Kaisers since the real leader, Arnold Schmidt is recovering at the hospital after he had a heart attack." 

Lady Maja then said, "You guys keep asking questions, Me and Mr. Armageddon will check out that bookshelf." 

Everyone nodded and Mr. Armageddon and Lady Maja went back into the Church and Mr. Armageddon asked, "Why are we looking at the bookshelf?" Lady Maja answered, "I have a feeling that Luke is hiding something and I gotta know what." 

Maja then tipped over the bookshelf and revealed a locked-up door, so Maja broke it down with Detroit Smash and Maja called out, "Hello? Anyone down here?" 

They then heard a child's voice say, "Down here." 

Lady Maja and Mr. Armageddon then went down the stairs into a dimly lit basement and then Mr. Armageddon got his hands in position and a ball of light suddenly appeared in his hand that lit up the whole room to reveal that the basement was filled with many children in ragged clothing and covered in filth and Lady Maja said, "I knew it!" 

A Little Boy then asked, "Are you superheroes?" Lady Maja answered, "It's complicated, but yes, we are technically superheroes." 

Mr. Armageddon then asked, "What are you kids doing down here anyway?" 

A Little Girl told him, "The Pastor kidnapped us because he thought our lives with our families were miserable. But in reality, we were happy with our families, it's just that our families didn't believe in the Pastor's racist ideals, so he took us and was planning to sell us to some of the bad men. The Kaisers I think they're called. Luckily, he hasn't sold any of us yet, but we need you to free us." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Don't worry, we will assure you kids that the Pastor will never ever lay a finger on you ever again." 

He then held Lady Maja's hand and she held the little girl's hand and then all the kids held each other's hands and walked out of the basement and out of the church and when they got out of the church, the Armageddon Squad were shocked to see the children and they looked at Luke and Lily said, "Oh you are so fucking dead." 

Ms. Armageddon then asked, "What should we do with him Mr. Armageddon?" and Mr. Armageddon looked up and saw a big cross on top of the steeple of the church and he said, "Give me some rope." 

Lily then got rope from the trunk of her, and Lucy's car and Mr. and Ms. Armageddon grabbed Luke and flew up to the cross and tied the Pastor to the cross and he was in absolute fear and began crying and said, "Please, don't do this. I'm sorry!" 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "You keep saying you're sorry; but no one, not even Jesus or God himself will forgive you. So you can keep apologizing if you want, but the only person that'll hear you...is the devil himself, and he's not gonna be so merciful when you meet him." 

After they tied the Pastor to the cross, the Armageddon squad then grabbed a big jerry can and poured lots of gasoline in the church and in the basement and then Mr. Armageddon took out a single match and lit it with his shoe and dropped it onto the gasoline trail and the inside of the church lit up but then Lily got out a couple cases of Molotov Cocktails and a blowtorch and one by one each member of the Armageddon Squad threw the Molotovs at the exterior of the church and watched as the flames from the interior of the church combined with the exterior flames and lit up the entire building on fire and then they watched as the fire spread all the way up to the Pastor and consumed him slowly as he yelled in pain. 

After the yelling stopped, Mr. Armageddon said, "Have fun in hell Luke, don't forget to write!" 

Everyone Laughed and walked away.

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