"Chapter 7: The Stark Heist"

Start from the beginning

After that, Mr. Armageddon approached the vault and looked and saw that it was locked with a handprint and retina scanner so he called April and asked, "Hey April, think you can unlock this vault for us?" and April asked, "Sure but what kind of lock is it?" and Mr. Armageddon answered, "It's locked with a hand and eye scanner." and April said, "Ok, I can do two things. I can either override the system and force it to take your handprint and your retina or I can just override the entire system to crash and cause it to unlock the vault and keep it unlocked until someone fixes it." Mr. Armageddon replied, "The second one." 

Then suddenly, both scanners shorted out simultaneously and Mr. Armageddon breathed deeply before turning the wheel of the vault and finding out that it worked, and he pulled the door open to reveal a vault filled with dozens of pallets of money and everyone was in awe and La Nina Flora said, "Ay dios mio..." and Ms. Armageddon said, "He made all of that from the casino?" 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Alright people, start stuffing your duffle bags and don't stop until they're completely full, including the pockets, the rest, we will put in the trucks." 

The entire Armageddon Squad then rushed inside and started stuffing their duffle bags with money and didn't stop until the money filled in every ounce of space inside then Mr. Armageddon saw a door and opened it and saw a big lot with lots of bank trucks and said, "Hey guys, I found the loading dock!" 

He then went to the nearest truck, but it was locked so he ran back inside and said, "Hey, check those guards for the truck keys!" 

Everyone; including Mr. Armageddon, checked a body and were surprised when they found out that they did have the truck keys, so Mr. Armageddon rushed back to the truck, unlocked it, put his duffle bag under the passenger seat, and backed the truck into the loading bay where Ms. Armageddon and La Nina Flora opened the back and pushed two money pallets inside and then one by one everyone pushed one money pallet into their truck. 

Once all seven trucks were loaded up, Hayato had found a spare key in his truck so he got out, unlocked another truck, placed a C4 under the steering wheel, started the truck and left the spare key in the ignition before getting back in his truck and driving away with everyone following him. 

Once they had left, the SWAT Team came out onto the loading dock through the building and saw the empty truck and one of them shouted, "FREEZE!!!!" then they approached it and once they got close and the Armageddon Squad's convoy was a safe distance away, a SWAT Officer found the C-4 and shouted, "BOMB! BOMB!!! WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!!" but they were too late as Mr. Armageddon stuck his hand out the window and pressed down on the detonator's trigger and the empty truck exploded into a fiery blaze consuming the officers within and pushing back the officers outside of the blaze. 

Mr. Armageddon then radioed his friends and said, "Ok, I need you all to split up, we're gonna go south to Atlantica and meet up there, then we'll head east through Corte Del Rey and then we'll finally be in South Woodridge." 

Everyone nodded and split up while Mr. Armageddon kept going and then turned on the radio and it played Panama by Van Halen, so Mr. Armageddon started speeding up and then Lily radioed him and said, "Hayato, they got roadblocks all over the district trying to stop you guys!" Mr. Armageddon replied, "Don't worry, the weight of these pallets, the armor, and the bullbars on the trucks will help us get through those roadblocks easily. Also, I'm not Hayato right now, I'm Mr. Armageddon. So if You, Lucy, or April want to talk to us during missions, then you call us 'The Armageddon Squad' and you call me 'Mr. Armageddon', not 'Hayato'." 

Lily said, "But you are Hayato though, and we know that you're Mr. Armageddon. So what's the point of calling you that, if we already know your true identity?" Mr. Armageddon replied, "Ok fine, you can call us by our real names but when you refer to us as a group, you call us The Armageddon Squad." 

He then saw one of the barricades and looked closer and noticed Agent Woo standing there, then he continued speeding and a cop said, "Guys, he's not stopping." 

Everyone then dove out of the way as Mr. Armageddon charged through the barricade as if it was nothing and Agent Woo looked at his partner and said, "Get Ross on the line, he's gonna wanna hear about this." 

The Other Agent nodded and got out his phone. 

Meanwhile, Ms. Armageddon was being chased by police and an officer on the intercom said, "Stop the truck now!" 

A car got close to her, so she rammed it out of the road which caused it to roll towards the other cars and caused them to crash into that car. 

Ms. Armageddon then radioed La Nina Flora and said, "Alejandra-chan! Are you in Atlantica yet?" 

La Nina Flora was surprised and blushed deeply and asked, "Did you just call me Alejandra-chan?" Ms. Armageddon replied, "Y-yes I mean, haven't I ever called you that?" and La Nina Flora replied, "No, you haven't, you've never called me Alejandra-chan." 

Ms. Armageddon then said, "And you never call me Kohane-chan." 

They then paused awkwardly for a moment before La Nina Flora said, "I'm almost to Atlantica Kohane-chan, Hayato says he's almost there too." Ms. Armageddon replied, "Ok good, I'll meet you two there. I love you Alejandra-chan." and La Nina Flora replied, "I love you too Kohane-chan." 

Ms. Armageddon then sped up and turned on the radio and it played Toys Are Real by Flymutha and then she saw one of the barricades but then she saw a packer truck stopped in the middle of the road, so she sped up more then suddenly, her truck went up the ramp and she narrowly jumped over the barricade and landed on the road before continuing on to Atlantica. 

Meanwhile, Mr. Armageddon had made it to Atlantica and parked in a nearby alley, then he took out his cellphone and tried calling Maja but when he tried calling, the operator said, "I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is outside of the service area. Please hang up and try again." 

He then texted her, "Hey, I don't know if you'll get this message but I just wanna let you know that I did it. I got the money. I'm probably gonna lay low for a bit but I'll come over there when I feel like it's safe for me to leave. I love you and Hayato-kun will see you soon. Again, I love you Maja-chan and I wish you were here in America with me." 

He then put in a crying emoji and a heart emoji before sending but then bold red text appeared from under the message and said, "NOT DELIVERED" and Hayato took his mask off and silently cried in the truck. 

An hour and a couple minutes later, Kohane radioed him and asked, "Hayato, are you there?" 

He wiped the tears away from his face and said, "Yeah, I'm here." and Kohane asked, "Where are you?" and Hayato replied, "I'm in the alley between Havana Boulevard and Kingston Avenue." 

Kohane then said, "Well we're waiting for you in Nassau Street, it's the quickest route from here to South Woodridge." 

Hayato then said, "Ok, I'm on my way." 

He then started the truck and drove down to Nassau Street, the rest of the trucks followed him when he got there and then the convoy drove through Corte Del Rey, and then they eventually got to South Woodridge where they stopped at the projects building and were greeted by Jordan and Jamal who were ecstatic when they saw the trucks and the Armageddon Squad got out and Jordan said, "HA HA! You muthafukas did it!" 

Everyone cheered and Hayato asked, "Hey, what do you want us to do with the duffle bags?" and Jamal said, "You can keep that shit, you got us plenty of money to go around. This shit is all going to us, the crew, Lily and Lucy, and Lieutenant Smith." 

Hayato then took the second duffle bag from Carlos and said, "This is Maja's cut." and then he said to Jordan, "Make sure you guys pay Lieutenant Smith first, I'm going home." 

Kohane then said, "Us too." before she held Alejandra's hand and they both flew away together, and Hayato flew after them with His and Maja's cuts in his hands. 

When they got home, they went through Hayato's window, and he got a big sharpie and labeled their bags, and he hid His and Maja's bags in his closet and Kohane and Alejandra hid their bags in Kohane's closet before they all changed out of their costumes and went downstairs.

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