"Chapter 4: The Paraiso Job Part I"

Start from the beginning

Hayato started tearing up and Hanako said, "Don't cry Hayato, Brave and Strong Ninjas don't cry. She says that she misses you very much and she'll come back once she finds those axes and that helmet, and she also wants you to give her cut from the heist to her in Scotland." Hayato replied, "Ok Mom, I'll give Maja her cut." 

Hanako then sent the address to Hayato's April Watch and Hayato then said, "Thanks Mom, goodnight." 

Hayato hung up and then Kohane said, "You can't give Maja a cut, she's not even here." 

Hayato then looked under the table and pushed a button and the Mona Lisa painting went into the wall and slid to the side, revealing a big safe inside and Hayato replied to Kohane, "She was with us during most of the planning, so she deserves a cut too." 

Carlos then came in with the pallet of fake money which was a metal cart and Hayato read the combination and it read, "21-30-45, 19-27-34, 3-0-9-4, 1-2-7-8" and he entered each combination on each lock and then the door swung open, revealing a huge stack of cash, the same size as the fake money pallet so everyone took a bill stack from the safe and put it in the cart and then put a fake stack in the safe and they kept doing this till the safe was filled with fake bills and then Carlos carried the pallet back downstairs and they all went back to the vault and then Hayato took out a tiny piece of equipment and Carlos asked, "The fuck is that?" and Hayato replied, "This is a tracking device that we're gonna put inside that pallet." 

Kohane then asked, "Why? We already know which money is which." Hayato then answered, "That's where you're wrong. I'm gonna spray paint two of those pallets green before you guys put this one inside but first, I'll put the device inside the stack and I'll have April activate it and once it's activated, it will be connected to Jordan and Jamal's radios and will make a beeping sound when they're close to it." 

Hayato put the device inside one of the bill stacks and said, "April, activate the tracking device." 

April activated it and then Hayato went into the vault and took out a spray can and sprayed two fake money pallets green until the spray can was empty then Carlos wheeled the real money pallet next to the other real one and then they both left the vault and closed it shut and they left the building and Hayato said, "April, reactivate the security system." April replied, "Certainly, Hayato." 

April reactivated the security system and all of the doors locked shut and all of the cameras turned back on, and Hayato called Jamal and he answered, "Wassup?" and Hayato said, "Jamal, we switched the money and I think we're all ready to go. Have you found an arms dealer yet?" 

Jordan then said, "Yeah, we did. Come back to the basement and we'll tell you." 

Hayato, Kohane, and Carlos then rushed back to South Woodridge and when they got there, Hayato gathered everyone and said, "Ok people, we have officially completed Phase Two of the Paraiso Job." 

Connor then said, "Oh cool, you gave it a nickname. So, what is Phase Three?" 

Hayato then told everyone, "Ok, after we meet Jordan and Jamal's Arms Dealer is when we start Phase Three and Phase Three is, Jordan, Jamal, and their crew drive the Bank Trucks and the Cop Bikes up to Central City and stop at a discrete location at exactly thirty minutes away from the Casino. You will wait there until about half an hour before the real Bank Trucks and the real Cop Bikes are expected and before that half-hour, The Armageddon Squad will take out the real drivers and the real cops at the Bank. Then at the half hour, you guys roll out to the Casino and once you're there, you'll have a signal hooked up to your radio that will tell you where the real money is as I have spray painted two of the fake pallets green. Once you guys grab the right pallets and put them in your trucks, we'll come in and pretend to try to rob you guys which will prompt the Mafiosos to make you guys run away and try to stop us from robbing you, then we'll gun those Mafiosos down and start filling our duffle bags with fake cash. Each pallet can completely fill four bags but since there are seven of us, that means that one of us will have to carry two bags. Obviously, there will be very much possible blowback from the Marchettis and their Irish, Chinese, and Caribbean friends so we're gonna have to kill a shit ton of them but don't kill Leonardo or Lorenzo because we'll still have to give him that file we found at the Mansion, and we want Leonardo to live to see his empire fall to pieces. While we're killing everybody, Jamal and Jordan's crew will be dropping off the money here and then you'll stash the Bikes and the Trucks in Central Woodridge, and I guess you might as well torch them too. Everyone got that?" 

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