"Chapter 2: Combination Celebration"

Start from the beginning

Everybody nodded and left. 

Alejandra and Mirlande got into Lily and Lucy's car and they drove them up to Central City and during the ride, Lucy said, "Ok, I'm gonna drop you guys off at the restaurant and you need to keep an eye out for any employees that leave and once you see them, you knock them out and take their uniforms and meanwhile, Me and Lily will drive up to our place and get our van or our 'Mobile Tech Center' as we call it and we'll drive back to South Woodridge and meet you and everyone else there." 

They then got to the restaurant and Mirlande and Alejandra got out and Lily and Lucy sped away and just like clockwork, there were two female waitresses leaving the restaurant through the back and Mirlande and Alejandra walked up to them and Alejandra said, "Hello ladies, we need to borrow your clothes." 

The First Waitress giggled and replied, "You forgot to say please hun." 

The Second Waitress then said, "Look kid, you think you can walk up to a couple of strangers and ask for their clothes?" 

Mirlande then said, "Oh don't worry, we just wanna borrow them, we promise we'll return them." 

The Second Waitress then said, "Well you can just forget it! We're not giving our clothes to a bunch of cheap streetwalking tramps. So I suggest you take your wetback friend back to the ghetto where you two came from." 

The First Waitress then saw that Alejandra was gone and she asked, "Wait, where did she go?" 

Alejandra had turned invisible during their conversation, and she grabbed a trash can and snuck up behind the two waitresses and hit the first one on the head hard with it and she went down instantly. 

The Second Waitress was startled, and Mirlande punched her in the gut real hard and she sat down at the wall, and she said, "You fucking bitch! I was planning on getting inseminated this week! And look, you killed Susan!" 

Mirlande then said, "Well das what happens when you fuck wit us cheap streetwalking tramps." 

Alejandra turned visible and said, "Don't worry, she's fine." 

The Second Waitress said, "No, she's not fine! Look at her, she's not moving and she's not breathing! You killed her!" 

Mirlande then said, "Well if you don't wanna end up like Susan..." 

She looked at her nametag and it read "Sarah" and Mirlande continued, "...Sarah. You give us yours and her uniform." Sarah replied, "Susan's dead so you might as well take her uniform and you can have mine but if I ever see you two back here ever again, I'm gonna make sure those cops shoot you and your friend." 

Alejandra then said, "And that's why you're not gonna say anything." 

Mirlande then knocked Sarah out with a single punch, and they began stripping Her and Susan of their uniforms and once the two women had nothing, but their underwear, Mirlande and Alejandra stuffed them both into the trash can that she used to kill Susan and they both super sped to the nearby harbor and threw the trash can into the water and then Mirlande sped back to South Woodridge while Alejandra flew there. 

Meanwhile up north in Little Tokyo, Hayato and Kohane helped Lily and Lucy load up their van and Lily said, "Alright Hayato, I need You and Kohane to test your mics and headsets because if one or more than one mic doesn't work then this mission will get a whole lot more difficult for us, especially for Me and My Big Sis, we need all the mics and headsets working if we want to be able to keep tabs on each other." 

She then handed them each a small microphone and a small radio headset and they both put it on, and Lily went into the van and spoke into a microphone and said, "Test, Sakura Sacramento. Test, Sacramento Sakura." 

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