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New York, NY

It's been a week since everything happened, and I can't bring myself to face James or his mother, so I hadn't been attending classes at all this week. 

I haven't seen or talked to Kofi; he texted me an apology, but I never responded. My mom called and yelled at me about the whole situation, but I hung up on her.

I'm lying if I say I wasn't sad. I was but I also didn't know what else to do. 

I lied in my bed when I heard a knock on my front door. After a very audible groan I got up and walked to my front door.

I opened it to reveal the last person I wanted to see right now, well maybe not the last but definitely one of them.

I immediately go to close my door back, but his hand stops it.

"What?" I ask harshly making him flinch.

"Get dressed" James says, pushing himself into my apartment.

"NO! You can't just push yourself in here. I don't like you" I say mugging him.

"Sucks to be you now get dressed" He says again but in a plain tone.
I humph and stomp to my room, only because I have nothing better to do.

"Dress comfortably!" He yells behind me.

I walked into my closet and a gray hoodie and a black pair of leggings. Mariama braided my hair in knotless braids a few days ago, so I just left them down.

I walked out of my room and saw James in the kitchen with his back to me. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a black hoodie.

"I'm ready" I say blanky.

He turns around and his eyes run over my body. "I see you like matching with me" He smirks.

I look down at my outfit, then I look at his and rolled my eyes, walking to the door and opening it. He walks out behind me, and I closed and locked the door.

We walked silently to the elevator and got in. I can feel him glance at me every so often, but I only looked straight ahead.

"How have you been?" He asked, breaking the silence and I shrugged, not giving him an answer.

He nods his head awkwardly and we step off the elevator. We walk to his car in the parking garage, he opens the door so I can get it.
I nod my head at him as a way to say thank you and he gets in on the other side. After like a 30-minute silent drive, he pulls into a parking lot of a boxing gym and puts the car into park.

"Why are we here James?" I questioned, turning my head to look at him.

"Just come on" He says unlocking the doors and jogging around to the other side opening mine for me.

We walked in and he tells me to take off my hoodie because I'll be hot.

"I don't have a shirt on, only a sports bra" I whisper into his ear.

"It's fine" He says pointing at other women who were wearing their sport bra. I nodded and pulled my hoodie off leaving me in my all-black sports bra.

He pulls down his sweats, revealing some basketball shorts. He then pulls off his hoodie and his bare torso comes into view.

6 squares grace his pale stomach, and his arms are buff but not too buff.

 He grabs a hair tie off his wrist, handing one to me and then putting his shoulder length hair into a bun.

I took it, confused and put my braids into a bun.

He grabs my hand and walks me to the side of the boxing ring. He wraps my hands with some kind of tape then places a pair of red and black gloves over them.

He calls some guy named Mike over and has him repeat the process but on him this time.

"What are we doing James?" I ask irritatedly, I could've stayed in my bed.

He ignores me.

"Why are we here?" I ask.

"Were gonna box" He looks up at me, flashing a smile.

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