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New York, NY

Once I got into my apartment, I sent my things down and hopped into the shower and called my sister for our daily talks.

When she answered she was in the shower as well and we both laughed at that fact.

"How was your day mama?" She asked.

"Horrible but on the bright side I got the part." I shrugged.

"Thats amazing efféminé (sissy)" She squeals.

"Yea and I want you a Kofi to be there."

"Of course, you know I'll be there. You gonna invite mama?" She questions.

"Would she even come?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Probably not but if you don't, she'll talk shit." She laughs.

I laugh and shake my head 'yea'.

"You should ask her in person at Christmas" Zola suggest.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I shake my head.

"If you do it over the phone, she has the option to hang up and ignore you."

"True dat. Guess Christmas it is"

We hung up and I got out of the shower to call Kofi, he says he'll be there. 

I mentally prepared myself for the conversation I was due to have in a week.

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