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San Jose, CA

After Ada's flight, she caught an uber to the house she had lived in for the better part of 18 years.

When she walked through the front door, she immediately spotted Zola.

"ZZ!" She yells gaining the attention of the darkskin, short curly haired sister.

"Ada!" She yelled back and they run to each other.

They hadn't seen each other since a little before Ada moved for school and they terribly missed one another.

"I missed you so much little sister" Zola kisses Ada's cheek.

"I missed you more" She squeals.

"Um you do know you have a brother, right?" Kofi mugs her from behind Zola.

Ada lets go and hugs Kofi, they see each other more often considering Kofi travels a lot and visits New York a lot.

"Hi big brother" She kisses him on his cheek, and he wipes it off causing her to punch him in the arm.

"Mama, Ada hit me" He snitches.

They all have always been close, the oldest being Zola at 29, Kofi 21 and Ada at 19.

"Don't hit your brother, now come here and give me a hug" Fatou calls from the kitchen.

Ada walks into the kitchen and hugs her mother.

"Hi mama"

"Hi dear, how's school? '' This question shocked Ada, mom had never asked about anything remotely school related before.

"Uh its good"

"Good, good" She nods.

The door suddenly swings open again and reveals Zola husband, Dame and their 2 kids, Issa and Adama.

"ADA!" The 8-year-old twins scream, running to their aunt.

"Hi guys" Ada laughs, hugging them both and kissing their foreheads.

" How you doin?" Dame hugs her.

"Damee" She stretches. "I'm good, you?"

"Can't complain" He shrugged.

"Better not" Zola mumbled.

"Where's Baba?" Ada looked around the house.

"He'll be here a little later." Fatou says. 


After jokes, laughs and family time the food is done, and the family sat around the table.

"Hey Ada, when's your performance again, I'm gonna buy my ticket early." Kofi says from across the table.

"Performance?" Fatou asked, putting her fork down.

" I got the lead in a dance and the performance is in January" Ada looks down, smiling, thinking about James and the dance they would be performing in front of everyone very soon.

 Fatou scoffed, causing everyone to look at her but no one said anything.

"That's so cool, mom, can we go?" Adama asks.

"I wish but you guys have cheer camp then" Zola replies causing the twins to groan.

"Why the groans? I thought you guys liked cheer." Ada asks.

"We do but we want to do ballet" Issa says.

"You are living every little girls dream" Zola shrug.

"Yes, little girls not grown adults, but your sister doesn't get that" Fatou says.

"Ma don't start" Kofi shakes his head.

"I don't understand why you can't actually go to school, Ada. What happens if you break one of your legs or something? Then what?  You'll be jobless."

"Like you were?" Ada questions, causing the table to gasp.

Everyone, even Dame knew not to speak of Fatou's past with dance. Fatou used to be an amazing, not better than Ada but really good. During the biggest performance of her life me fell and tore her ACL ultimately ending her career before it ever even started.

"What?" She asks in a low voice and the twins swear they saw her eye twitch.

"You heard me, just because something unfortunate happened to you doesn't mean it'll happen to me. Don't you think I know the risk? You don't hound Kofi about football, he could be hurt way worse than I ever could. Why do you say anything to him? I'm not you!" Ada screams at her mother causing her to widen her eyes.

"Ada, I just want what's best for you, I know what will undoubtedly happen." Her mother speaks calmingly, surprising everyone around. 

"And what's that?" Ada questions standing up.

"You'll fail"

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