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New York, NY

For the past few days, each of us have been practicing the dance one on one with James.

"The DANCE IS 2 DANCERS BECOMING 1! You cannot climb down from his lift; you must melt from it" She yells at Yolanda.

"Ada, step in please" She calls me with frustration.

I quickly get into place, and we start the dance, doing it seamlessly, with no error.

"That was amazing," James whispers in ear after we finish, causing me to blush.

"Alright good, Ada, work on your turns, they are sloppy. J, when you lift you need to make your arms look toned because right now you look weak." Dhe criticizes.

We both nod then walk off to the side, I immediately start working on my turns trying to perfect what truly didn't need perfecting.

"Hey Ada stop, your turns were prefect" He says stopping me mid fouetté.

"I know that nothing makes her happy, but I have to at least try."

"Don't, it's pointless. Nothing works, even her son doesn't make her proud, you never will." He says walking away.

"The cast list will be posted in a few days," She says, dismissing the class.


A couple days later I'm walking down the hallway towards the studio and all the girls are crowded around this one thing.

"Is the cast list up?" I ask a girl next to me and she nodded.

I push through the crowd of girls to get to the front and see my name in big black bold letters.

I receive congrats for my fellow dancers.

"I knew you could do it" I hear from behind me.

I spin around and come face to chest with James.

"Thanks" I hug him, and he hugs me back.

We walk into the studio while everyone else is dismissed and we get to work.

We start dancing and where he puts his hand is a very sensitive spot for me so I start to giggle and wiggle around, causing him to drop me but he puts his hand under my head before it can hit the ground.

"Is there something funny Miss Gueye?" Ms. Ambrosia ask smugly.

"No ma'am" I say, quickly getting up.

"So then why do you laugh?" She questions, her accent pouring through.

"The spot where he put his hand, I'm ticklish there" I say looking at the ground.

"James, go wait in the hallway" She tells her son.

"Umma it's not a big deal, everyone's ticklish" He tries to defend.

"GO!" She yells and this time he very silently listens.

My Teachers Son (UPDATED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя