83 0 0


New York, NY

After 30 minutes I left my dressing room to find James. When I finally find him, he was in his dressing room with his mother and she is cleaning his wound, I can see through the crack. I was about to leave until she started speaking.

"I don't know why you want to be with her, you begged for me to give her that spot and I did, now look, your eyes all bruised" She rolls her eyes, scoffing.

"I know Umma, but I really like her." He winces as the cotton pad swipes over his cut.

He was the reason I got the spot? Not because of my talent but because her son asked her?

I hadn't even known I was crying until I sniffled causing their heads to snap my way.

I ran back to my dressing room, grabbing my bag and running out the building towards the trains.

James caught up to me, grabbing my arm, halting my movements.

"Wait Ada, it isn't what you think."

"So you didn't ask your mom to give me the part?" I asked, staring him in the eye.

"Yes, but I had a good reason."

"Who was she gonna originally give it to?" I tilted my head.

"Who James!" I yelled when he looked down in shame.

"Yolanda" He whispers.

"Yolanda? That's bullshit" I scoffed.

"I know, that's why I did it, I only wanted to dance with you" He pleaded.

"Did you think I could do it on my own?" I question him.

"She would have never picked you."

"Wow tell me how you really feel" I wiped my tears, angerly, walking away.

"Ada, I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT. SHIT!' I hear from behind me.

'FUCK YOU!" I yelled back.

My Teachers Son (UPDATED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt