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Ithaca, NY

After a long drive the girls pulled into the driveway of very homely looking mansion.

They expected nothing less from the one and only Ms. Ambrosia.

Once they parked, they walked up to the door and knocked, after taking many deep breaths and praying to God that this would go well. When it opened, the girls were greeted by an older white male that looked like he was in his 50s.

"Names?" He asked plainly.

"Ada Gueye and Mariama Sene" Ada replies looking at Mariama, who just shrugs.

The man looks down at this iPad then walks backward into the house, opening the door wider so the girls could walk through.

When they did, they could feel their jaws going slack as they looked around the mansion. Everything was a cream color with gold trim. They felt like they were standing in a mini castle.

James sees the girls walking in and is stunned by Ada's appearance. He had never seen her hair out and he loved it. The way the dress clung to her slight curves that he hadn't even noticed she had, made his pants tighten instantly. He walked over to greet them.

"Who are they?" His brother Trevor asks in a hushed tone, following behind him.

"Mom's dancers" I whisper back.

"I want the one with the green dress." Trevor smirks, looking Ada up and down.

"Don't even think about it" James stops, turning to his brother was a serious expression.

"Geez. I didn't know she was yours" Trevor threw his arms up.

They reached the girls and James says hi to Mariama as he had known her from the very few times they had danced together in class and leans down to hug Ada making Mariama raise an eyebrow to her friends.

Trevor grabbed Ada's hands, kissing the back of them "Trevor" He says, receiving a hard glare from his brother.

"Ada" She laughs, pulling her hands away.

"Glad you guys could make it" James smiles at Ada.

"Of course, you invited us, so we had to come" Mariama laughs and the rest of the group joins.

"Hey, you wanna go get something to drink?" Trevor asks Mariama, she nods, and they walk off.

"He sure moves quick" Ada jokes.
''Yeah, he does, let me introduce you to my dad and sister" He grabs her hand and pulls her towards the kitchen.

"Appa, there is someone one I want you to meet '' James's dad swings around and his eyes land on Ada's.

"This is one of mom's students Ada Gueye, Ada, this is my father Dr. Choi" He introduces the pair.

"Pleasure meeting you sir" She sticks out her hand to shake his and he accepts it.

"You as well, I believe I saw you perform last year" He says rubbing his chin.

"Ah yes, at the Apollo, the dance 'Sins'" He clasps his hands together.

"Yes, that was me" Ada smiles brightly, recalling the fond memories of that time.

"You were absolutely amazing" He smiles back.

"Thank so much, I really appreciate that."

"Oh, I saw that show, you were really good" A light voice says causing Ada to snap her head that way.

"Ada, this is my sister Daea" James introduces. 

"Nice to meet you" Ada says.

"Yea you too" Daea smiles.

"Ada, what are you doing here?' She hears behind and turns around.

"I invited her" James quickly says.

"Why, she's not family" She says, scrunching up her face.

"Honey, is that necessary?" Dr. Choi asks in Korean, offended for Ada.

"It's fine, I'll just go" Ada says, walking over to Mariama, who was hitting it off with Trevor.

"If you think you're going to have anything with my son you've got another thing coming" Ms. Ambrosia yells behind Ada's retreating body.

"Mariama, can we go?" Ada taps Mariama on the shoulder.

"Mariama sat down her drink "Of course, let's go" She says goodbye to Trevor and they walked to the door, and they left.

As much as James wanted to stop her from walking out, he knew what that would mean with him with his mother.

After the party he tried to call and text Ada, but she didn't respond. Even days after she still didn't.

My Teachers Son (UPDATED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя