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San Jose, CA

"Mama really!" Zola yells at her

"No, it's fine Z, now I know she really feels.

"Oh, come on Ada, you've always known, from the moment you started doing ballet past 10 I've felt this way."

"Why do you hate me? What have I ever done?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Don't be so dramatic, I don't hate you Ada. You just think you're better than everyone, but you aren't. You are going to fail and end up on my doorstep in 2 years." She says smugly.

I tried to walk away but Fatou pulled me back. "Don't you walk away from me Ada."

"Why not mom? Huh? What the fuck else do you have to say?"

A fast and sharp stink came across my right cheek, my head snapped to the left and I froze.

"Mom!" Both Zola and Kofi yelled.

"I am your mother! I raised you Ada. I came to this country with nothing but your father and Zola. I did everything to make sure you never had to worry your little head about anything. Food on this table! Clothes on your back! This roof over your head! I made a life for this entire family, and you dare speak to me this way? You don't know what that's like, I am the reason you even go to that damned school. You should be fucking worshipping me!" She screamed in my face.

I hadn't even realized my father had arrived when he pulled my mother out of my face.

"Get the fuck off me Ousmane!" She screams pushing him away.

"You shouldn't even be here. Go be with that bitch and your son" She pushes him again.

"Wait, what?" Kofi asked.

"Dad, what is she talking about?" Zola says.

"Go on tell them Ousmane. Tell them you slipped and fell into your assistant's vagina and got her pregnant" Fatou laughs.

"Baba, is that true?" I asked him, my eyes welling up.

"You were never supposed to find out this way" He shakes his head.

"He's lying, you were never supposed to find out in the first place" Fatou wiped her face.

"You're cheating on mom?" Zola's voice cracked.

Dame stood up and grabbed ahold on Zola who looked like she was about to fall over any second.

"I'm so sor-Save it" Kofi cut him off and pushed past him, walking out of the house.


Kofi was able to pull some strings so that he and I could get back home a few days later.

After showering and eating I laid in my bed catching up on some k-dramas I had been putting off.

My phone starts to ding next to me and I picked it up reading the message.

🙄- Open the door

"What the" I whisper getting up.

I walk to my front door after putting my curly fro into a bun.

"What do you want J?" I asked when I open the door.

"Oh, I didn't know we were on a nickname basis" He smirks, causing me to roll my eyes.

"We're not even to the basis of you showing up at my home but here we are." I sigh.

He rolls his eyes and pushes the door open, walking in.

"Did I say you can come in?" Mugging the back of his head.

He ignores me and sits a plastic bag on the counter and pulls out a bunch of snacks.

"What if I didn't eat those?" I asked, sitting on the island chairs next to him.

"Do you?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Yes, but that's not the point" He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Are those k-dramas I hear?" He questions.

"Oh shit, I left them playing." I jumped from my chair and run down the hallway to my room.

James follows me with the bag in his hand, he takes off his hoodie and hangs it up in my closet then sits on my bed. He pats the stop next to him and I sit.

"I love Flower of Evil" He says, opening a pack of gummy bears and sitting them in my lap.

"You watch k-dramas?" I looked over at him.

"Well I am Korean" He laughs.

"Right" I nodded.

"Can I spoil it?" He asks, glancing over at me.

"NO! I've had no free time and I'm finally deciding to catch up on them, so no you can't" I yell.

"He didn't really kill the foreman, his sister did, and he took the blame" He says quickly.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" I get up from the bed and walking out of my room.

I walk on the balcony and look at the night sky. I wasn't actually upset with James for spoiling, well I mean I was but not that much.

I hear him calling my name from inside my apartment until he finds the balcony.

He walks up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on mine.

"I'm sorry" He whispers.

"About everything"

My mind goes back to the last practice we had.

"Wanna practice our dance?' I ask changing the subject.

"Right now?" He questions look around us.

"I mean yea why not?"

"Okay" He shrugs.

I walked toward my practice room and open the door.

"Who'd have known you have basically a ballet studio in your apartment" James says making me laugh.

"Yea, I got it done a few weeks before I moved in" I smiled.

I took off my hoodie, leaving me in a tank top and shorts. James had on a regular white shirt the gray sweatpants.

I turned the music on my phone and hooked it to my speaker once the music starts, we get into place.

We contort, twist, and melt together as if we had been dance partners for years and when the song ends, so does our dance.

  It ends with us face to face, our breaths mingle. The hand that was once on my upper back has moved down and he leans in. As soon as he does his phone starts to ring causing us to jump apart.

I ran my hand down my face. Just as the moment came, it went.

He talks to whoever he was on the phone with and ends the call, swinging back around to me.

"Sorry, that was my mom, she needs me" He says as if he's scared I'll get mad.

"Oh okay, well then you should go." I say walking out of my practice room and to the front door.

"I'll call you, yea?"

"Okay" I smile and pulls me into a hug.

I hadn't realized how close we had gotten over the past few weeks we'd been practicing together. This was not a good idea and we both knew it.

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