"Papa, are we gonna go see mama?" Katsuma asked. 

"Yeah, we are." Katsuki answered the little boy. 

"Oh my-" 

Katsuki looked back up to see little Izuki reaching her little arms out to him and making small baby noises. 

"What's she doing?" he asked, not sure of why the little girl was acting so strange. 

"Ah- it looks like she wants to be held by her dad, here." Inko noted as she handed the blond his own daughter. 

Katsuki tried not to panic, as this was probably the first time he's actually held one of his own kids since their birth. It's not like he didn't know how to hold her, he just felt extremely awkward since he never thought his daughter–who he's barely spent time with–was wanting him to hold her.

"Izumu's still asleep, but we can put him in the stroller." Inko said as she knelt back down and carefully picked up the sleeping twin boy. 

Katsuki was in awe when he thought how at least 2 of his kids were happy to see him, because he'd never really spent time with his kids, at least not until now. 

"Are we surprising mama, papa?" Katsuma asked. 

"Uh- yeah. W-We are." Katsuki muttered. 

"Aw~ How sweet, I'll have to make sure your mom knows about this, she'll be so happy to hear that you came to pick up your kids all by yourself." Inko stated. 

'Don't tell my old hag, I won't hear the end of it.' Katsuki thought, already dreading the idea. 

"C'mon, let's go before your mom wakes up." Katsuki groaned as he rested Izuki into her seat in the stroller and they left. 

"Bye bye, Grandma Koko!" 

"Bye little Katsu! You be a big boy and take care of your brother and sister, okay?" Inko said, waving them goodbye.

'Grandma... Koko? Is that what he just called Deku's mom? Then what the hell does he call the old hag?' Katsuki thought. 

But as much as he wanted to know that, he suddenly felt something grab his hand. He stopped in his tracks and looked down to see Katsuma–who smiled exactly like he did when he was a kid–looking up at him and holding his hand. 

"Wha- Yah- what're you doing?" 

"I wanna hold papa's hand." Katsuma answered, Katsuma's eyes widened. 

"When mama picks us up from Grandma Koko, she holds my hand going home, so I wanna hold papa's hand. But... papa doesn't have to hold my hand." he replied.

( Note: By the way, Katsuma's almost 3 years old in this story, so he's actually pretty smart for such a young age. Moving on.)

Katsuki was speechless, he knew that Katsuma was already talking, but he never thought Katsuma would become this sweet and able to speak without any fear in his voice. 

'Damn, did he get that cute side from Deku?' he thought, as he blushed as the thought of his own wife. 

"Alright, you can hold my hand." Katsuki sighed. Like a light switch, Katsuma's aura and attitude changed in an instant and he got happy again like usual. 

"Yay! I can hold papa's hand!" he cheered as he grabbed his father's hand in a heartbeat. 

'Cute.' Katsuki thought as it reminded him of the first time he held Izuku's hand and how shy she was back then.

"Papa, are we gonna make something for mama?" Katsuma asked, the second they got home. 

'Make something for Deku? I guess making breakfast wouldn't be a bad idea to make her feel better.' he thought. 

"Yeah, we'll make your mom breakfast." 

"Yay! I wanna help papa make mama happy!" 

The second they got into the kitchen though, that was when Izumu finally woke up and was making noises for Katsuki to pick him up. 

'Geez, do they have their own sleep schedule, and why do they like me holding them?' Katsuki thought as Izuki started making a huff to be held too. 

"Papa, poo poo." Katsuki looked down at Katsuma who looked grossed out about something. 

"What? What'd you say?" 

"Papa, poo poo. Mumu has a poo poo." Katsuma noted as he pointed at Izumu in his dad's hands.

'What the fuck is this kid say-' 

The second Katsuki got a whiff of a terrible smell, he recognized what Katsuma was trying to say. Izumu woke up and needed a diaper change, badly. 

'Geez, that shit smells like... shit!' he thought and looked around to find a good spot to change the boy's diaper. 

'Where the hell does Deku usually do this crap? Ah- I got it.' he thought as he carried Izumu with him to the nursery room where everything he needed would be in there for a diaper. 

He laid Izumu down and looked around the nursery and tried to find exactly what he needed for this kind of situation, but he was drawn blank. 

'What does Deku use for this? Wouldn't she make signs or something for this?' he thought.

Just when he thought he would be good at finally getting everything he needed for one simple diaper change, Katsuki heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen. He groaned as he grabbed Izumu and ran back into the kitchen–with the twin in his arm–and felt his stomach drop at the sight. 

It seemed both Katsuma and Izuki found where the flour and rice were located and decided to make a mess in the kitchen with him out of the room. 

"You've gotten be fucking kidding me?" Katsuki muttered. 

 "Hm? What's with all the noise?" 

Katsuki felt his stomach churn once he recognized a certain voice and panned his head to the stairs to see Izuku walking down the stairs–rubbing her eyes–and then finally opening her eyes to see the sight.

Izuku's eyes widened when she saw Katsuma and Izuki covered in flour–along with rice covering the kitchen floor–and it didn't get any better when she slowly turned her attention to Katsuki who had Izumu in his arms and she caught a strong whiff of the stinky diaper that was still on him. Izuku couldn't believe her eyes, she didn't think her own husband would end up causing such a huge problem to appear because of his recklessness in being a dad. 

"Katsuki Bakugo..." Izuku growled. 

"Oh shit." 

He just now is about to get the full taste of being a father.

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

Decided to have a bit fun with this chapter, figured since the next chapter might be a little boring, not sure yet.

Gonna post either 2 or 3 more chapters later today!

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Happy Reading from me, My Little Emeralds!

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