Declan smiled, because nothing made him happier than seeing his friend talk with so much joy in his eyes, "That crop top worked wonders." He laughed.

"It really did." Evan chuckled, "But don't worry, I'll get it back to you soon-"

"Don't bother." Declan waved him off, "Keep it."

Evan frowned, "Really? Are you sure?"

"'Course." He promised, "I never wore it."

"Thanks, Dec."

And just like that, the last shred of River Newman that Declan had been clinging onto for all these years was gone.

"There's something I wanna talk to you about." Evan announced quietly as he stared at his hands as though they were the most fascinating things in the world.

Declan stared at him blankly, "There is?" He asked, playing with his ring nervously.

"I know things have been hard for you recently-"

"What?" Declan cut in sharply.

"It's okay." Evan promised, "I haven't been doing well either. It's not... It's nothing to be ashamed of, Dec."

Declan gulped, desperate to swallow all the anxiety bubbling inside of him, "Okay." He muttered, "So, is that what you wanna talk to me about?"

Evan shook his head dismissively, "No." He said, "I want us to move in together."

Declan hadn't known what he was expecting, but it wasn't that.

"Your flat is barely the size of the stock room at work." Evan went on, "I hate the idea of you holed up in the place, it's not good for you, and...well, I hate living alone, and you're..." He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, "You're my best friend."

Declan felt like crying. He had never felt so needed, so wanted, so loved.

"It's only a suggestion." Evan said weakly, already preparing for the worst, "I just thought that it might be good for us...for both of us."

Declan tackled him into a hug, nearly throwing them both off of the bench. He yanked Evan away from the edge before he could fall, but kept his arms tightly wound around him, "Yes." He murmured into Evan's blond curls, "Yes, Evan. Yes. Yes. Let's do it. Let's...Let's move in together."

When they broke apart, Evan was beaming at him, "Really?" He asked excitedly, "You...You want to?"

Declan thought about Sebastian and Harvey's flat. Their bathroom was a mess of products all mixed up together. Their kitchen sink was piled high with dirty dishes in different colours and sizes, some belonging to Sebastian, and some to Harvey, but neither knew, nor cared, who's were who's. Their living room was a cluttered array of furniture they had curated together. Their flat was where their friendship lived, and the love they had for each other seeped out of the very walls. Declan had been jealous of it, because no matter how disorganised it was, it belonged to the both of them. It was their home.

Declan's studio apartment had never felt like a home. It had felt like a prison.

"Of course I want to." Declan told him firmly, "You're my best friend, too, Evan."

They spent the next hour talking about what their new flat will look like; what they're going to hang on the walls, what plants they're going to buy, what colour sofa they're going to get. They talked about going grocery shopping together, and cooking together, and watching movies together. And they talked about how good it would feel, to not have to be alone anymore.

When Declan eventually made his way home, trekking up the stairwell to reach his front door, his skateboard tucked under his arm, he was smiling so brightly that his cheeks ached.

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