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Wow. It's really over! It's crazy and mind boggling and just all the feels XD

Honestly this has been a crazy journey! Writing this book has been a glorious and absolutely crazy fun experience! You guys were such a support!

First off, I want to give you a BIG BIG THANK YOU!!! To each and everyone of you guys who read this book, voted, and commented, THANK YOU! I can never say it enough! I was going to list out all of you readers that read along as I published and supported me through this entire process, but I was scared that I would accidentally miss someone and feel horrible. So you guys know who you are!! Love you with all my heart and I appreciate you so so so much!

Secondly, I want to just say that I could not have done this without God. I can't do anything without him, but especially this! This story was completely God inspired and written, and he gave me the creativity and perseverance to finish this all the way through! I hope you saw him in every word I wrote and his truth was like a light in each chapter. If you have any questions about who God or Jesus, the wonderful Savior and King of Kings, is, then just ask! I am always open to answer questions and help you learn more.

ALSO, I just want to give a big shout-out to @Living_Faith , my Wattpad bestie and biggest supporter! She really helped me with this story and made me think of things that I would have never thought of. She read every chapter and was so sweet about it all, and I could have never finished like this without her. THANK YOU ABBY! ILY!!!

Sooooo, now that I've given all the thank yous (because I appreciate you guys so much XD) I have a little announcement! It is in relation to my next book that I will be working on. Yay!!

So I had an internal debate about this for a loooooooong time. My brain creates approximately a thousand story ideas a day XD So I had a lot of ideas to choose from. My dilemma, though, is that if I went with any of my Fantasy ideas, which there are many, it would take me a long time to develop and I probably wouldn't be getting it out to you guys very fast. Also, I'm not sure if I would be able to finish it, at least in any timely manner. So, that led me to Realistic/Teen Fic again.... And then to our baby, KASON!!

Soooooooooooooooo KASON IS GETTING HIS OWN STORY!! YAY! I'm so excited because I love Kason so much and it is going to be so interesting writing his story as he becomes a dad to Abigail, our sweet baby! Ofc, there will be his journey in finding Jesus and finding love, and ALL THE THINGS!! I'm so pumped to write this story!

The title of it will stick with the theme of my Beauty of God stories and be called........ *drumrolllllllll bumbumbumbumbumbumbumbumbumbumbumbumbumbumbum* ............ Yellow Rain! Was that really worth all the drumrolling??? Idk XD But it was fun haha

Anyway, I will be outlining and prewriting the first few chapters before starting to publish Yellow Rain, but hopefully it won't take too long. In the meantime, I will post little teasers such as the synopsis, character casts, and maybe snippets of ideas and things, just so I'm not leaving you hanging too long!

Thank you guys again and I can't wait to journey through another book with you guys! You are the best readers any amatuer author could have XD

<3 M.

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