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As we ate the first course, which had to have been the best thing I had ever put in my mouth, I scouted out how the tables had been assigned. Sadly, my dad was across the room, and I didn't really know anyone around us. Kason and his family were closer to my dad than I was, and my mom and Preston seemed to not even have a table as they walked throughout the room talking to people as they ate.

We were actually seated at the same table as Maxine and her husband and kids, so I was at least acquainted with them. But it still would have been nice to have my dad seated with me.

When we were almost done with the main entrée and Maxine and her husband were busy trying to wrangle their kids, I turned to Jordan. "So can I ask you something?"

He had a huge bite in his mouth so when he looked up at me, I couldn't help but laugh at his chipmunk cheeks. "Please swallow before you answer that."

He did so while trying not to chuckle. Eventually, he was able to speak. "You caught me at the worst time."

"Sorry," I said, though I was grinning.

"What's up?" he asked, his full attention on me.

"Are you okay with meeting my dad after dinner? Because I know you seemed kind of tentative about it but I really want you to meet him and I think he'll really like you..." I stopped myself from rambling anymore. "And, my mom, too. They both really want to meet you."

Jordan looked away, avoiding my eyes. I could sense the tension again. "Ella-"

But he couldn't finish his sentence because Mark came over the speakers. "Alright, my friends, as dessert is being served, we're going to start speeches and toasts! We've got the Maid of Honor and Best Man speeches first, but then anyone who wants to say anything after that can come up and give it a whirl."

He gave me an apologetic look before turning his attention to the front of the room where Carly was making her way up.

I tried to pay attention to Carly's funny speech but my mind kept drifting. I was confused with how Jordan was acting. I knew that it was nerve wracking to meet your significant other's parents but it didn't warrant this much tension. I wondered if there was something else going on but I just couldn't think of anything that it might be. I really wanted him to be a real part of my life, but if he wouldn't meet my parents, how would that be possible? I couldn't just keep them separate forever. I cared about all of them too much for that.

"I'm going to the restroom," Jordan muttered before he got up and rushed away. I watched him leave the ballroom through a side door. I couldn't restrain my sigh.

Suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and found my dad crouching next to my chair.

I gasped. "Daddy." I instantly crushed him in a hug.

"Hey, kiddo." He squeezed me tightly. Even though I had texted him, I felt like I hadn't seen him in so long.

When we separated, he slipped into Jordan's empty chair. A fleeting thought wondered if my dad was why Jordan had left so quickly, but I shook it away, wanting to give my dad my full attention. "Your song sounded amazing, El."

I smiled wide. "Thank you. Most of it was Preston's words."

"But it still all came from your heart."

I squeezed his hand. I had missed him more than I had admitted to myself. No matter how long I lived on my own, I would never not miss seeing him every day.

"So where's that boyfriend of yours?" he asked.

Of course he would ask that. I tried not to let my smile slip. "He ran to the restroom."

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