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Hey, the message said. It's Jordan. You know, the guy with Coke down his shirt.

Knowing that I had enough time until I had to get off the bus, I suppressed a smile and texted him back. Yeah, that's the only way I remembered you.

He sent a laughing emoji before adding, It was pretty epic wasn't it?

Totally epic.

For a second, neither of us texted anything before the bubbles signaling that he was saying something popped up. The text came in with a buzz. I know this is probably a dumb question considering my brother knows everyone, but how do you know him?

I actually just moved up here from Kingsford for a job and I was pretty close with his friends, Braylin and Jonah.

Oh yeah. They seem to be really nice people.

Smiling, I replied, Yeah, they are. After a moment of debating, I decided to say, I'm just confused on how we've never met each other if you used to live in Kingsford.

After a moment he said, I moved to Edwards about three years ago for college even though that was a flop.

I nodded, understanding how big of a commitment college was. Ah, and I moved to Kingsford three years ago when my dad opened up his book store.

The mystery is solved.

I chuckled quietly and slowly conjured up something else to say. What were you going to college for?

Business. It's what both of my parents do so they thought it would be great for me to try. *Insert ironic snort here*

I sent a cracking up emoji to match my small stint of giggles that drew the attention of a scruffy man with a permanent scowl sitting a few seats ahead of me. So what happened?

I sat, waiting for his answer but noticed that the bubbles didn't even appear until several minutes later when I was starting to near my apartment building. Just wasn't for me, he answered vaguely.

I guess I could understand that.

What about you? he sent quickly after. Any college for you?

I sighed. My mom wishes. But I keep telling her that I want to pursue my music some before I get elbow deep in college papers and due dates.

Music, huh? Is that what your new job is?

Yeah, I'm backing up a band that performs at the Timberland Hotel.

Wait, The Vision? They're crazy amazing.

I felt my stomach flip. You know of them?

Yeah! They're practically famous around here. That's so cool that you're a part of their group. I might have to come see you perform sometime soon.

Thinking of Jordan watching me sing made my hands get clammy and I had to wipe them on my jeans. I wasn't the type to get nervous in front of people or anything, but for some reason he was different.

"Stop 7B!" the driver yelled back into the long cab of the bus. I gathered up my bag and made my way to the front.

When I stepped off the bus, I looked back down at my phone, sending Jordan a quick text. Sorry to be the party pooper but I have to go. Gotta be responsible and stuff ;)

No problem. But could I ask you something real quick?

Sure, shoot.

The bubbles appeared, then disappeared before reappearing again. His text didn't come through until I was in the elevator at Resident Hills. Would you want to meet up for coffee tomorrow morning?

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