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The ceremony finished with cheers as Preston dipped my mom and kissed her passionately. I could tell my mom was beaming as they kissed, happier than she ever looked when she had so rarely kissed my dad.

After Preston and my mom walked back down the aisle together with everyone clapping, the break in between the reception and the ceremony started. But the bridesmaids and groomsmen didn't really get a break because we had to prepare for the wedding party entrance into the ballroom.

We all went down the elevator and into the prep room as the drinks and appetizers were served to the guests on the roof. As everyone swarmed the newlywed couple, I hung back and watched. And I couldn't get my mind off of my realization from earlier.

I knew that I loved Jordan in a platonic sense and really liked him in a romantic sense. But I wasn't sure if I loved him, loved him. We had been dating for two months which still wasn't that long of a time, but I still felt like these past two months had been the best of my life. And seeing my mom so happy, it wasn't hard for me to imagine loving him. Or maybe not imagining it.

I sighed. It was just confusing myself.

God, I prayed, I know your timing is perfect. Help me to know when it's the right time to... I don't know, let myself love Jordan. I'm wondering if I'm getting too close.

"What's with the scrunched eyebrows?" Kason asked, bringing me from my thoughts.

I glanced up at him and gave a smile. "Just thinking."

"Oh?" he prodded.

But I really didn't want to talk about it. "It's nice seeing my mom so happy."

Kason nodded, letting the previous topic drop. "Same with Preston. I think they were meant for each other."


"Oh," Kason said, cringing a bit. "I hope that didn't sound mean."

I chuckled. "It's okay. I accepted the fact that my parents just weren't right for each other a long time ago."

"Hm," he hummed. "Is your dad here?"

"Uh, yeah. I saw him as we were walking down the aisle."

Kason seemed to try and hold back a laugh but couldn't. "I'm sorry, that just sounds so weird."

I agreed. "Yeah. Sounds like we married each other."

"And we wouldn't want that. We're cousins, after all."

I laughed as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Right you are, cuz."

"Ella!" someone called from the crowd. I looked to see Preston waving me over. I gave an inquisitive look to Kason, who just shrugged, before I entered the mass of people. I scouted out my mom who was talking a few yards away, so it must have had to do with the surprise.

"Hey. What's up?"

"This here is Mark, our DJ for the night." He slapped a tall, lanky guy on the back who I exchanged smiles with. "He's going to help you get set up for the song which we'll do immediately when the reception starts after our thank you speech to the guests."

"Okay, sounds good."

"Follow me, muchacha," Mark said, weaving his way toward the ballroom. I gave Preston one final glance before following him.

The ballroom was empty and quiet, though I knew it wouldn't stay that way for much longer. I savored the serenity of it before Mark burst my bubble by saying, "Okay, my friend. Would you stand here for a sec?"

I stood in front of the microphone as he adjusted the height. I was tempted to tell him that I had done this a few times but didn't bother when he was just trying to be helpful.

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