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"Okay, this is definitely not what I was expecting when you said a surprise date," Jordan admitted as we pulled into the parking lot of Ikea.

"What? Ikea is awesome and I need stuff for my apartment." I unbuckled and rested my elbow on the arm rest of my seat, cradling my chin in my hand as I looked up at him. I gave him a sweet smile, adding, "Plus, I have more stuff planned after this so if the decoration shopping doesn't live up to your expectations, there is more that will make up for it."

He shook his head with a soft laugh. "You're adorable, you know it?"

I rolled my eyes even as I felt my heart start to race from the compliment and the look he was giving me.

We climbed out of his car and headed toward the front door. I had only been to Ikea a few times before but I knew it would be the best place to get stuff for my apartment. And it would be fun doing it with Jordan, too.

Upon entering the giant warehouse type store, I snatched a cart from the long line. "We will definitely need one of these."

I wheeled it around and then instantly walked deeper into the store, ready to explore the massive place.

Jordan hopped onto the end of the cart, causing me to slow my pace. He looked down at me playfully. "Okay, Captain. Are you looking for anything with a specific..." He waved his hand through the air, looking for a word before finding it, "aesthetic?"

I blinked a few times before bursting into laughter.

"What? Is that not how you use that word?"

"No," I breathed in between laughs. I take a few more seconds before adding, "I just never expected that word to come from your mouth."

He shrugged, though he had a wide smile across his face. "I have to catch up with the times, you know?"

"Right," I chuckled. "But, to answer your question, not really. Just cheap would be nice. I don't get my first paycheck with the band until after my first performance."

He hopped down from the end of the cart and walked along beside me as we picked up the pace a bit. "I can help you out if you want," he offered nonchalantly.

"Jordan." I side eyed him but this only seemed to make him more adamant.

"It's no big deal. My parents are helping me right now so that means I should keep the ball rolling, right?" Returning my gaze, he took a subtle step closer to me, sensing my stubbornness. He gave me a lazy smirk before muttering, "And I want to."

I held his gaze for a long moment, before sighing. "Fine, but nothing big, okay? I don't want to do that to you."

"You're acting like you're twisting my arm to get my money. What if I just want to give it to you because you're worth it, hm?" His eyes were filled with kindness and humor and I felt my pulse start to race. He was too nice for his own good.

I was about to argue a bit more, using my mother's built in stubbornness, when he suddenly winced, grabbing his stomach.

"Are you okay?" I quickly asked, breaking our playful bubble.

He grabbed onto the handle of the cart for support, his eyes squeezed shut tightly as he regained his bearings. After a few deep breaths, he nodded sharply. "Yeah. I just get stomach cramps sometimes."

I knew he didn't want my pity, so instead of saying some noncommittal consolation that never really worked anyway, I gently rested my hand on top of his grip on the cart and rubbed my thumb over his fingers. Though it took a few seconds, he finally opened his eyes and loosened his hold on the handle.

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