[42]- Newbie

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"Oh Alex, Alex!" She says testing the name out.

"Yeah, that's my name, don't wear it out." I say. 

"Hahahaha!" She laugh rather loudly as people looks over annoyed. "You're funny Alex! I like it."

I chuckle unsurely and take another bite of food before washing it down with water. I'd have to eat in order to have the strength to get out of here. So the dispute the horrid taste I'd just have to suck it up.


Dean and I spent most of last night looking over the blue prints of the prison. Seth was still passed out from the sleeping pills and today we are gonna start setting up a plan.

"Ok so how exactly are we gonna do this, I mean this isn't exactly the area of expertise we specialize in." I say to Dean.

Dean snickers at my comment muttering,"thats just you." I raise an eyebrow at him and he clears his throat. "Your right, yeah." He nods.

"But I know a guy." He says. "You know a guy?" I repeat.

"Thats what I just said Roman." He answers going over to his phone.

"How are you so sure we can trust this 'guy'." I ask folding my arms. Dean was already dialing the number now waiting for it to ring.

"Because he believes in morals and family and shit, let's just hope he still sees me as family." He explains coming over to the table putting the phone on the table and turning on speaker.

"Hello?" An unfamiliar voice came through.

"Hey its me Ambrose." Dean replies. 

"Sorry I don't know any 'Ambrose'." The guy replies.

Dean sighs looking down. "Its the Buster that kept you out of handcuffs, remember that?" I raise an eyebrow to Dean and mouth 'handcuffs?' 'Don't worry about it' he mouths back.

"Oh *laughs* that, yeah I remember." He says.

"Yeah, you said you'd pay me back, right now I wanna cash in that favor." He says.

"Alright, when is it." The guy replies.

"Tonight, bring your team, see how fast you can get to Birmingham. I'll fill you guys in when you get here." He says.

"Alright be there in about 4 hours tops, send me the location."

"Four hours? isn't it like a 6 hour drive?" Dean asks.

"Not for guys like us."

Dean laughs slightly nodding," that is true, definitely not for guys like you."

"Damn right, I'll see you in Birmingham Buster."

"Yeah, see you, Dom."

"Who the hell was that?" I ask.

"Somebody who can pull off a heist like this for us."



Harley has shows me the court yard, bathrooms, where you go to see your family that visits, she said answering phone calls the guards with show us but pointed in the direction it went in, the wardens office and then to a secret spot she climbs up to the roof. She didn't tell me how she found it but just showed me and here we are now.

The prison has about 2 miles of plains in all direction before the forest and mountains. My guess is it makes it easier to locate escapees if or when that happens. Up here also gives me a good view of the prison roof top on our side.

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