"DON'T FUCKING ACT LIKE YOU DIDN'T KNOW I'M MARRIED!!! It's your fault you got your damn lipstick on my neck, because my wife saw it and is pissed at me!" Katsuki yelled. 

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Mr. Dynamite, I didn't think you'd want to leave my lipstick on your neck and show your wife something like that." 

"I didn't do it on purpose, you were the one that started this and now my wife is staying away from me." Katsuki stated as he finally sighed to catch his breath and stumbled to his desk and sat down. 

"I-Is there anything I could do to fix you and your wife's situation? Perhaps I could meet her and clear up the whole misunderstanding." Ruby suggested.

"I'm not doing that, because you're not gonna be working as my assistant that much longer." Katsuki said. 


"You're gonna leave this place after tomorrow whether you like it or not." 

"Wha- But Mr. Dynamite, I was specifically hired to help you with your paperwork and other things-" 

"I don't need an assistant when I can handle all this shit on my own. So don't even try to persuade me to change my mind." Katsuki answered as he opened his phone to try and call Izuku again. 

Ruby glanced over at what he was doing and realized who he was trying to call and instantly went into serious mode. 

'C'mon, answer the phone, Deku.' he thought, tapping his foot with impatience, and to his surprise, he heard an answer.


"Ah- Deku?" 

"Oh, Kacchan, I didn't notice how many times you called me until now, I was busy. Is there something you wanted to tell me?" 

"Y-Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about last night." 

"Last night? And what exactly did you do last night?" 

Katsuki got confused, he could tell she was acting like nothing happened last night, but why? 

"I was thinking about it and realized that you saw something on my neck last night, and I just wanna clear this to you that I'm not-" 

"Mr. Dynamite~ What should I do with these papers?" Ruby hummed. 

"Hm? Is someone with you?" 

"What? No! It's no one important!" Katsuki answered right away. 

"Katsuki-kun~ I think I'm missing something for this document, can you help me on what is missing?" Ruby sang. 

"Would you shut up!?!" 

"Are you talking to me, Kacchan?" 

"No! It's someone else, no one important like I said!" 

"Are you sure, they seem to know you pretty well for calling you Katsuki-kun." 

"I-It's not like that, Deku! You're just hearing things!" 

"Oh dear, I need to get back to work, maybe we can talk later. Bye." and the call ended like that.

Katsuki sat there in dismay with what just happened, Izuku never hung up on him, and this only meant that she was angry too. 

"Damnit." he muttered. 

"I'm sorry if I was making a lot of noise during your call, I just wanted to help you get your work." Ruby said, acting like what she did was nothing wrong. 

Katsuki's hands turned into fists, he couldn't deal with this woman any longer. He slammed his hands onto his desk as he stood up and walked past the redhead and to the door. 

"Ah- are you going somewhere, Mr. Dynamite? Would you like it if I joined-" 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" he exclaimed and slammed the door behind him. He knew that the only choice he had was to go straight to the greenette's workplace and talk to her there, so he stormed straight to the airport.

Izuku hung up the call and rested her hand on her chest while trying to calm her heavy beating heart from hurting anymore. 

'So he really is cheating on me, and it's someone that even shows up at his agency. Is it another hero that I might know about? Whatever, I just don't want to deal with this right now. I don't even wanna go home now because I'll have to see him there.' she thought as she rested her head onto her desk. 

She looked at her phone and saw the lock screen which was a picture of her and Katsuki from their wedding and smiling happily like nothing bad was going to happen in their future. 

'To think that Kacchan would cheat on me and even not wanna take care of his own kids. I can't go to mom's or Mrs. Bakugo's place because they'll just call Kacchan and tell him where I am. Where should I go? Should I just go see Emra and see what she'll think?' she thought and after some deep thought, she raised her head and took a deep breath.

'Right, Emra's my cousin and she should know what I should do for this kind of situation, so I'll just go there and take the kids with me. Which means I should leave work now.' she thought as she stood up from her seat and gently rubbed Katsuma's head as he was sitting in a chair near her desk. 


"Are you awake, Katsuma, it's time to leave." Katsuma rubbed his little eyes and yawned after the little nap he had. 

"Are we going home now?" 

"Not necessarily home, but it's someone you'll be happy to see." Izuku answered. 

"Are we going to see Grandma Koko? Or Grandma Mimi?" 

"Actually we're going to see someone else."

"Izuku? She was here earlier, but I think she left cause she said she wasn't feeling well." Melissa answered. 

Katsuki rushed from his agency to the airport and flew all the way to I-Island to his wife's work only to find out she's not there. 

"She... left? When did she leave?" 

"About half an hour ago, she didn't seem to look all that well either. I don't know what you and Izuku are going through right now, but I think you should try and talk to her to clear the air. Ever since yesterday, she seems a bit off from usual, and I only figured there was some kind of fight that happened between you two. I don't know anything, but please try to bring her spirit up again." Melissa explained and walked away, leaving the Number 1 hero in shock. 

'Does that mean... she went home? Then I should go home and talk to her.'

"Yes, what is- Izuku." 

"Hi Emra, how nice to see you, isn't it?" 

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

Some stuff's happened in this chapter, but this is only the beginning!

Gonna post 1 more chapter later today!

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Happy Reading from me, My Little Emeralds!

My New Heroजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें