Izuku really proved that she didn't want to go to work today, as she wore her large Black specs and her hair was all frizzy and messy and pulled into a bun to stay out of her face. Her eyes were swollen and had dark circles under then, so to say she looked like a hot mess was an understatement. It was already obvious that she looks like a mother of three, as she held Katsuma in her arms and the twins were in their stroller, but she just looked worse than usual. 

"I'm fine, just had a bad dream last night that I don't really wanna think about." Izuku replied, rubbing her eyes. 

"Mama sleepy." Katsuma stated. 

"Yes, I am a little sleepy, but I'll be okay, Katsuma." Izuku said, trying to put on a fake smile.

"Are you sure you can work today, you don't really look okay." 

"Never mind how I look, once I get working, I'll be just fine. Oh right, is Ron here? I need to talk to him." Izuku asked. 

"Huh? Did you forget that I gave you good luck yesterday because Ron's a chatterbox?" Melissa asked confused. 

"That may be true that Ron's a chatterbox, but I need to talk to him about something that's important." 

"Alright~ I think I just saw him get here a few minutes before you got here." 

"Great, can you watch my kids while I go talk to him?" Izuku said, and started walking away before Melissa could even respond. 

"Wha- You owe me Izuku!" Melissa exclaimed.

Katsuki heard the alarm ringing in his head and slammed his hand onto the nightstand to grab his phone and shut the sound off. 

"Deku~ Why didn't you wake me up and- Oh... right." he muttered, remembering what happened the night before. He noticed how stiff his back was from sleeping on the floor and groaned as he stretched his body out. 

He got up from the floor and went straight to the bathroom to watch his face and then take a quick morning shower. Once he finished his shower, he noticed that something was off or in this case not normal; he didn't hear anything coming from downstairs in the kitchen like usual. 

'Is Deku not awake yet, should I wake her up and try to talk to her about last night? Yeah, let's do that and maybe she can clear the misunderstanding.' he thought as he got dressed and left the bedroom.

He stomped down the stairs and was expecting to see his wife and kids in the kitchen, but when he thought the greenette might still be asleep, he instantly looked at the living room. 

To his surprise, he didn't see anyone sleeping on the couch, but he could tell that the greenette slept there as there was a ruffled up blanket sitting there. 

'Where is she? Did she get ready in another room?' he thought as he started searching the house. Soon did he realize that not only was his wife not around, but neither of any of his kids were around too. 

'The hell, where did they go?' he thought as he walked back to the kitchen.

Just as he was already confused enough, he glanced over at the fridge to see a note written by the greenette there. 

I already left for work with the kids, be careful at work today. 

The second he noticed that the greenette didn't write an 'I love you' or anything sweet like that, he knew something was really off. But because that sentence she said last night to him kept ringing in his head, he didn't know what to do. 

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