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𝐽𝑎'𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑛 𝐾𝑦𝑟𝑖𝑒 𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaMarch{20}

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𝐽𝑎'𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑛 𝐾𝑦𝑟𝑖𝑒 𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

"I love cinnamon rolls". Kaydence cheesed doing a lil dance in her seat, the group were out eating breakfast although it was 12 in the afternoon almost everybody slept in for a little bit.

"they cool". Kasey added making Kaydence glare at her, "so what's on the agenda today"? Cammie asked.

"Y'all wanna go to the beach? we could do jet skis or parasailing". Kyrie suggested making Kasey and Cammie scrunch their face up.

"what"? Kyrie asked them, "nigga did you just say parasailing, who the fuck finna do that"? Cammie questioned.

"I will". Kaydence responded, "me too hell". Jamo added. "Ion know bout that one". Qua chimed in.

"so y'all wanna go jet skiing and we can do the sunset cruise". Kyrie told them as they all agreed on that.

"you okay"? Kyrie asked Kaydence who's face was buried into her phone, Kaydence was honestly on a cloud nine and something about her knowing that she was going to have to go back to school and deal with her problems bothered her.

"yeah". She replied slightly lying,"and um thanks for helping me fund this trip. I know it's a lot". She sighed, although Kaydence had a school job and did hair the money she was getting was just enough for her necessities.

Since she wasn't talking to any of her family members besides her aunt who sends whatever she can due to her having her own kids, Kaydence ended up picking up a second job to pay for the things she needed.

"you know ion mind". He told her wrapping his arms around her as they both smiled. "Y'all gotta take us to build a bear workshop"! Kasey exclaimed.

"I thought y'all wanted to go to the mall"? Jamo questioned as she shook her head, "we can do that tomorrow". She waved him off.

"we can do that, just send the location". Kyrie told her as she nodded her head sending the location in the group chats.

"and y'all better take care of em like they y'all kids". Cammie warned the boys who laughed, "we gone do right bra". Qua told her mushing her head causing her to mug him.

Today Kaydence and Kyrie rode alone, not for any specific reason but they all alternated every here and there. "you ever did this shit before"? Kyrie asked her referring to building a bear.

"No but I'm a bit excited". She responded, "yeah you doing all the building though, I know Ima fuck it up". He chuckled making her do the same.

"if you fuck that up, you just down bad". She replied making him glare at her, "it's the truth"! She defended.

"whatever". He responded, "so you enjoying this trip"? He questioned her as she looked over at him.

"yeah, I really enjoy y'all. no shade to them but I think we're due for a bestie trip. just you and me". She told him smiling tilting her head to the side.

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