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𝐽𝑎'𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑛 𝐾𝑦𝑟𝑖𝑒 𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑎sBaton Rouge, LouisianaThird Person PovCarla's HomeDecember {20}

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𝐽𝑎'𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑛 𝐾𝑦𝑟𝑖𝑒 𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑎s
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Third Person Pov
Carla's Home

"I hope you got everything boy, because I'm not turning my car around". Kyrie's mother spoke as he put the last of the stuff in the car as they both got in the car.

"I got everything". He responded as she nodded connecting her phone to the cars Bluetooth as she pulled out.

"What you wanna eat? cause I gotta put something on my stomach". She looked over at him, the two were currently about to make their way to Florida for the break.

"Ian really hungry right now". He told her, "okay, Ima just get me a smoothie cause I'm truly not feeling breakfast food right now". She replied as he nodded and we headed for a smoothie king.

Kyrie liked his moms music taste, so he sat there just listening and observing the sights of Louisiana.

Carla on the other hand had a lot on her plate, her and Josiah had been quite distance due to them working a lot lately for the holidays, so she was missing him a lot, she was also a crybaby when it came to him so it upset her a lot.

Her Kyrie and Josiah had to buy over 20 gifts for the whole family for Christmas which wasn't as bad because Josiah paid for it but they had to go shop for it but in their family everyone got gifts.

She also didn't know how she would handle her two sons in one household, it was really a lot on her mind.

She just hoped she can push through and enjoy her break without the issues.

She was snapped out of her thoughts as her phone rung, "hello"? She answered.

"Hey wassup, I'm tryna see how you wanna do Christmas. me and Dana cool with coming down for the holiday". Dom spoke on the phone.

"Um yeah that'll be fine, it gives Khalil the opportunity to spend time with his family, and I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't mind you and Dana visiting. She asks about you every time she get. so I think it'll be good".
Carla smile.

"oh word. that'll be cool, we not gone stay long sadly me and Dana both gone have to come back for work so we'll stay the 22-27". He explained.

"Should we bring gifts for everyone? how many people are there"? He asked.

"Oh, well that's a good amount of days. and it's roughly about 20 people". She smiled making a yikes face.

"Jesus, Carla. but alright. We gotta celebrate Dana's side and my other side. So we'll be doing a lot of traveling and spending this break". He chuckled.

"Oh I can just add your names on the ones we got. I know that's a lot of people to buy gifts for". Carla suggested.

"Nah, we got it. Is Kyrie's dad going"? He asked, "um yeah but it's a surprise so I'm making it my duty to not say anything about it". She told him as he nodded.

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