El Alamein: New Hope.

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Kevin's POV...

I opened my eyes after a SAM Missile hit the Chinook...

It's all... dark... Nothing...

It's also... so cold...

???: Follow the Light.

And then Torches lit up a path for me... I don't feel right... But I choose to follow it... Maybe I'm meeting my maker...

As I walked... I saw...

Chinese Soldiers... All just... dead, and now just... Ghosts... Died in every brutal way possible... Decapitated, Burned Alive, Guts cut open, Neck sliced open... You named it. Even being hanged...

Dead PLA Soldier 1: ... "My head... Where's my head... Where is it..."

Dead PLA Soldier 2: It hurts... It hurts... My guts... You cut my guts open... You monster... You Demon Scum...

Dead PLA Soldier 3: Are you happy now... You Demon... You burned me alive... Along with my wife and kids...

Dead PLA Soldier 4: My neck!!! My neck!!! It's going to fall off!!!

Kevin: ...

I just walk past the Dead Soldiers. Likely I don't have a reason to show remorse for them...

And then Civilians... I remember... Even the Innocents weren't spared... Oh. Right... Ethic Chinese... I hunted down a lot of them during the Second Sino-Viet War... Maybe a few thousand...

???: Judgement calls. Keep going.

I kept going...

And then the torches light up... A...

A silhouette of my Mother and Father... now just... a Shadow.

The Pain... The War... I... I falsified and suppressed my memories as a Scapegoat... Just so I could... Commit these War Crimes... And now... This is... Where I'll confess my Sins...

Fine. If I'm going to have to burn in hell, I'll accept it...

... There's... Some kind of a... Executioner, with a Sword...

Executioner: Kneel. And speak the Origin of your Sin.

I kneeled before him...

Kevin: I was outside... eating in a fast-food joint... All of a sudden... Cruise Missiles... I quickly get home to find them... But... I was too late... And now... my Siblings hate me... I got no family to lose... It was a long time ago...

Executioner: ... The blood is no longer here.

Kevin: I've forsaken my wrath, for I've chosen a new path. I no longer need my wrath, for I have my Comrades to fight alongside...

Silence... And then.

Executioner: Confess your Crimes.

Kevin: ... Very Well.

First my Parents...

Kevin: I'm sorry, for betraying my siblings' trust... I'm sorry for not being able to talk honestly about my problems and resorting to this... And I'm sorry for who I've become... A Demon... Amongst men...

The Executioner looked at the silhouette for a moment... And turned to me.

Executioner: They've accepted your apologies. For they still love you as their son.

Next... Him.

Kevin: I'm sorry for using my strength to harm the innocents... I'm sorry for committing suffering to others... Just for no good reason... And I'm sorry... For breaking my Night Watch Oath... By harming a civilian.

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