Servants of the Kami Ch.1: Brothers and Sisters.

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It's February 28, 2029, after all, other Faction Leaders are in need of an Organized Command. This was their Moment of Truth, their Old Friends are meeting each other once again for the first time. And New Minor Factions are coming to gain support. And to Takara, to win her Senpai's heart, Kevin. The United Nations has now planned to reunite the Task Force Invictus, and choose Kyoto as the place to gather all Factions, Minor and Major alike. With their chances to be able to convince some Minor Factions or a single Major Faction... Only time will tell...

After taking a train, they're on a tour bus as the group of Faction Leaders from 15 Minor Faction Leaders to the 7 Well Known Major Faction Leaders, Commander Kevin of the NPX, Captain Ezra of the UNTF, Administrator Zheng of the Academy, Administrator Donovan of Dyson, CEO Khalid of Project Exodus, Colonel Amel of the HF, and Commissioner Kiran and his son Suraj of the Protectorate... Luckily, some of their Officers are keeping the GLA Busy with the fighting forces.

Kevin: ... So, back to this stuff again? What's with the U.N. this time?

Zheng: They wanted to form the Task Force Invictus... Now other Minor Factions and even Donovan is joining the fight. It's like the Old Task Force Kreisau

Donovan: What? We can just-

Ezra: No. You Greedy Irish. We're saving this world and that's final unless you want Kevin to unite the Factions like in For Honor's Thinning the Herd, where Kevin goes Male Ayu in the fanfic?

Donovan: I'm doing the right thing!!! We're building a Safe Haven for us all!

Suraj: For a Snobbish Irish and his gangsters...

Khalid: Now. Now. Guys... We'll be able to escape with enough supporters...

Most Faction Leaders: Wish you Good Luck!

Khalid: Thank you!

Amel: Jeez, I'm parched... At least the Australian Outback was easier compared to this!

Kevin: Ugh... I'll get the waters...

Amel: Thanks, Kevin!~

Kevin: I still won't forgive you for kicking me in the groin. Full Force... I was lucky I didn't die like an Idiot or lose it.

Ezra: ... What. The. Fuck. Amel!?

Amel: What!?

Zheng: Seriously!?

Kevin got up and went to take some water bottles... Only for...

Lam: Well. Looks like our Far away Countrymen is here too!

Kevin: Wait wha-?

Pro1: Holy shit! You're one lucky bastard there, Kevin! Not even the Sino-Vietnamese War could kill you huh, Comrade!?

Kevin: Heh. Of course for a fellow Vietnamese. *Tipped his Australian Slouch Hat.*

They both raised their beers for Kevin's luck. He could only chuckle as they're a bit immature. Kevin got the water bottles... All of them are Almond Water. Kevin just shrugged, took one, and walked back to his Old Friends.

Gen. Huan: Commander Lee.

Kevin: General Huan.

Then back to his Friends.

Kevin: Here you go, Amel.

Kevin gives his Almond Water bottle to Amel, Ezra and Donovan are arguing about the Money that could be used for, Zheng, Kiran, and Khalid are debating the need for upgrading technology.

Kevin: So...

Amel: What?

Kevin: After the disaster at Al Alemain... Since 2025 September 11...

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