UNMDTF Chapter 1: Command and Conquer.

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Known for their Assaults against the attacking Taliban and the Hamas, they were always tired of fighting a war. But they kept doing it, due to their neighbors. MDTF has to deal with many hostiles, from the Zealous Humanity First, next to Taliban with Stolen U.S. Weaponry, to the SIRENs, Honkai, and the Corrupted Objects. Israel and Taiwan have become important nations to protect, due to their Geography. What awaits the Israeli Captain and Leader of the MDTF?

Tel Aviv, Israel, MDTF's HQ.

Ezra's Researcher: Ah Captain!

Ezra: Hmm?

Ezra's Researcher: We've managed to take a downed Enemy Flying Ship back to base, despite the Taliban trying to take it.

Ezra: Really? Any casualties?

Ezra's Researcher: Sergeant Basya reported around 60 casualties, one Merkava and three APCs.

Ezra: Damn it... Anything else?

Ezra's Researcher: Agent Erika is bringing Major Ayouade and Commander Lee to visit us. She convinced both of them.

Ezra: Good. We'll be stronger together after we managed to forge an Alliance... We and the NPX almost hit the jackpot with the C.Os and Honkai Corruption... Only to fail, due to lack of funding and research...

Ezra's Researcher: Of course.

Ezra and his Researcher walked to the airfield, which consisted of, A-10C Warthogs, F-17 Condors (Xenonauts), and MiG-32 Foxtrots (Xenonauts), all of which are Interceptor Jets as they keep distance for a transport plane to land... A C-5M Super Galaxy.

With its cargo door opens, A few M2A4 Bradly brought by the NPX, with sixteen NPX Soldiers, walking out, then the two top brasses, Commander Kevin Lee, leader of the NPX, and Major Fiona Ayouade, Intel Officer of the NPX, formally of the Terran Resistance.

Ezra: Commander Kevin, Major Fiona.

Kevin: Ah, you must be Captain Elijah Ezra?

Ezra: Of course, Commander Kevin. Major Fiona?

Maj. Fiona: Captain Ezra.

They then heard sounds of Phanlax and Rhinemental GDM-008 CIWs, RIM-116s Block 2 Missile CIWs with six of the Condors engaging. Both Kevin and Fiona got their hidden SMGs ready, but Ezra signaled them to calm down.

Kevin: Are you insane, Captain Ezra!? We're under att-

Only for a wondering Lost Ship crashed, with MDTF and U.N. Soldiers surrounding the ship, with Hazmat suits.

Ezra: You were saying?

Kevin & Maj. Fiona: Nevermind... *Holster their weapons*

Ezra went into his meeting room along with Kevin and Fiona. They took a seat, with Ezra, giving them cups of coffee. There are reserved seats for them as other Officers of the U.N. have already taken.

Ezra: Coffee? Must be tired, waiting in there.

Kevin: Why of course. *Took a cup of coffee*

Maj. Fiona: Sorry, more of a Tea Drinker...

Ezra: Heh. Londoner... Alright, let's get this started.


???: Is it done?

???: Hang on... It's done. We're currently have hacked into one of the faction's meetings rooms.

???: And which is?

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