Servants of the Kami Ch.2: Some things never change.

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Servant's HQ, Hallway, Near Midnight, Kevin's POV.

My neck was getting dry as we were arguing about the plans of attack as the C.Os has managed to reach to Northern parts of Africa and now the United States. Honkai Forces and the Radiation has reached Northern China, most of Siberia, and Mongolia. Along with Reports on Certain Nations are using the Oripathy or any other kind as weapons.

Kevin: Worst of all, Honkai, Sangvis, Reunion, SIREN, Corrupted, and even Anti-Humanity Factions, launched assaults and invasions more aggressively. Our Forces are constantly fighting in cities and other regions. Even Farmlands and Animal Farms, our only food production. Without that two safes, we'll starve to death. For Factories, Out of Ammo, and many types of equipment for our Militaries. Ground, Aerial, Naval, R&D, and Cyber. 

I'm walking with Zheng, thankfully, she didn't receive CCP Indoctrination. She and her parents migrated to the U.K. before Xi Winnie the Pooh took power. Even Kim Fatty the Third, Dimientia Biden was more ridiculous than Pooh.

Zheng: We're trying, Kevin. But the Technological Limits are likely the problem... We have only a minimal Military Force, that's equivalent to a Small PMC.

Kevin: Yet you did make some breakthroughs. You helped My, Yours, and Pro-UNs Factions to build the Misriah Armory for our Weapons, our Armors, Some of our Light Flying Combat Vehicles, the AV-49 Wasps, and AV-14 Hornets, and my favorite, SRS99 Series, Anti Material Sniper Rifles. You're the Only Chinese I would trust.

Zheng: *Laughed a Little* I'm happy to help, Mr.Hypocrate.

Kevin: Come on!

I shoved Zheng a little. Both she and I laughed, as we still acted immaturely...

We kept walking to their dining dorm for some water... As we opened the door, we saw Ezra talking with Lora.

Ezra: Are you... sure about this?

Lorainne: ... Yes.

Ezra: ... You do know we've just met, and your factions haven't done any Officer Transfer to us, nor NPX.

Lorainne: *Sighs* I see... I'll have to hope for the best... Wish you luck, Captain...

She returned to her quarters. I've already drunk some water, along with Zheng. We are already walking back to our dorm... Until we heard a giggle.

Kevin: ...

Zheng: ... Takara... please come out. I know it's you.

She then showed herself.

Kevin: What the hell do you want?

Takara: Oh nothing... Just wanted to sleep with someone.~

She pointed at us... Wait...

Kevin: Well, Zheng. She wants you. Congrats, you dense Lesbian.

Takara: Wrong Answer.~

Zheng: *Whispers* It's you, Dumbass!

It was at this moment that I realized... Some things just never change. Oh my god, Takara... Why...

Zheng: Takara... That Kevin you once know is gone. This is the different Kevin. Cold, Calculating, and Efficient. Not the Naive, Clinging, and a Flirter you've once known.

Takara: ... Still... He'll open his eyes...

She got her two Katanas ready as I got my Mk50 and Zheng with her three-section staff.

Zheng: Takara... Please don't escalate this...

Takara: Just... Let me sleep with him...

I could only roll my eyes and...

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