Extraterrestrial Academy Ch.1: Biological Revolution.

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As they say, "History Repeats, but Science reverberates." The same could not be said with the Academy. These Biological Revolutionaries are planning to help humanity survive the new environment that the Honkais, C.Os, or even the Oripathy could throw at them into Extinction of the Human Race. As the Faction with the most advanced Surgical Technology and Medical Technology, that even South Korea and the New Administration is Jealous of... But, are their plans... just...?

Hokkaido, Japan, Underground Research Center, Zheng's POV.

I've finished the paperwork and I got to the Research Center... There's a lot of Scientists, Biological Experts, and Surgeons, performing autopsies or vivisections on them. From Dead Honkai Zombies to SF's T-Dolls... They've been skirmishing on our resources, we have been taking the invaders for research.

Zheng: How're the autopsies going?

ETA Chief Researcher: Going great, madam. We've been checking how did the Honkai Radiation has done to people after they've turned. Along with the C.O Zombies and Dead People under Oripathy.

Zheng: How about the Oripathic Test Subject?

ETA Chief Researcher: The Dead One is somewhat disintegrating as if it's Death Stranding... Except it could infect anyone, hence it was a right choice to put them in an Operation Room without a vent, Steel Walls instead of concrete, and with Explosion Proof Shielding...

Zheng: A-And the explosion?

ETA Chief Researcher: Well, we used our own Flammenwerfer 41, to burn the Oripathy Crystals away. The Alive ones, however... We're made some breakthroughs.

Zheng: I see...

I and the Chief Researcher went to the next sector, where the experimental Anti-Affection Field is ongoing... It won't block bullets or enemy attacks or even spies, but it will protect us from any of those corruptions... And it...


It failed again. The Sixth time... I could only sigh as I got myself a headache.

ETA Chief Researcher: ... I understand that's taking a lot of time, but we'll need allies...

Zheng: *Sighs again*  If only...

Zheng's Past... Two years ago... U.N.'s Embassy, India.

It was when the Eight Factions were united in the United Nation, each was an expert in their own tactics... They were used to talking to each other... Not anymore...



I remember that Amel was an Avid Supporter of torturing enemy soldiers... Her sister is named Nadia Aminah Asra... And her sister really hates her ideas... No wonder she worked with Kevin as a Company Commander.

Asra (Past): For the last time!!! We're Officers, Not Warmongers, Sister!!!

Amel (Past): Who cares!!! WE CAN BE BOTH!!!

???: They sure are like Yin and Yang...

I turned my back to see Takara. She was the last of the JSDF's, Chaplin Corp.

Zheng (Past): Oh... T-Takara...

Takara (Past): What's the matter, Zheng-chan? Do you need prayers to the Kami?

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