I'm so excited!

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*1 month later* Draco's pov: It was finally the big day! We were finally in the hospital wing ready to find out the gender, (Well, the twins were going to find out first). So, after Madam Pomfrey had looked in Hermione's stomach for a few minutes, she said, "Well, i know what the gender is! Would you like to know?" "Not yet." I said. "Our friends are going to find out first so we can also get surprised." "Alright, sounds good." Just then, Fred and George come in to the hospital wing. "Hi guys!" said Hermione. "Hello Hermione." they said. "So you guys can come in to my office so I can tell you the gender." said Madam Pomrey excitedly. The twins followed her in to her office and the door closed behind them. "I am so excited!" said Hermione. "Me to. What do you think it will be?" "I think it's a girl." said Hermione. "Maybe it's a boy, or twins." I say. She smiles. Before I can say anything, the door of Madam Pomfrey's office opens and the twins and Madam Pomfrey come out. "Alright ething's settled!" said Fred. "When will it take place?" I ask. It will be tomorrow at 5:00." said George.
Author speaking: Sorry guys! Left you on a cliffhanger. What will you think the gender is?

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