They know?!

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Dedicated to: Arianaxoxo1234
Hermione's pov: On Saturday, Harry, Ron and I went out to the grounds since it was a lovely day. We sat under a tree and chatted merrily. We were talking about if the baby would be a boy or a girl and if they would look like Draco or me, when Fred and George came over to us. "Oh hi guys!" I said with a smile. "Hi." said Fred and George at the same time. "What's up?" asked Harry. "Well, we were thinking we want your opinion on something." said George. "What is it?" asked Ron. "We heard Malfoy talking to his friend Blaise Zabini and we heard him say something about him getting someone knocked up." My stomach dropped. They could figure it out at any second now. "Oh!" said Harry, he also looked stunned. "What did you want our opinion on though?" asked Ron. "Well, George and I were discussing whether to tell any staff or not. You know, to get back at him." said Fred. I looked up at them, shocked. They wouldn't do that, would they? "I think you should just leave it alone." said Ron. He looked alarmed. The three of us knew that if someone found out and told the staff, everyone would somehow find out. "Why? It's the perfect opurtunity to get back at him for his snobby behavior." said Fred. "Well, yeah but it's just... if you tell someone, Malfoy's goons might try and look for who snitched." "Oh. Well, that is true." said Fred thoughtfully. "We definitely don't need Malfoy's gang coming after us." said George. "Well, who do you think he got with?" asked Ron, obviously trying to steer the conversation to something lighter. "It's probably some Slytherin chick." said Harry. I had a sudden vision of Malfoy going down on Millicent Bullstrode, a Slytherin girl who definitely wasn't the friendly type. They must've seen me smile because Fred said, "What's funny?" "There's no way he would bang Millicent Bullstrode." I laughed. Ron snorted. "She doesn't seem like his type." said Harry. "He probably got with Parkinson." said Harry. "Oh! There's definitely something going on between them." said Ron. "Yeah, you see the way she always looks at him?" said Fred. "Yeah, she's totally in to him." This gave me a new thing to think about. What if she was in to him? Did Draco like her before? After break, we all went back to the common room to get some homework done. At around 8:00, we went down to the Great Hall for dinner and I saw Draco, who was surounded by a group of Slytherins. They seemed to be deep in conversation about something. After dinner, Ron and Harry played chess for a while and I read a book for one of my classes. At around 12:30, I decided to call it a night and went to bed.
Author speaking: Hello loves! I have something very exciting to anounce!!! I'm writing a new story!!! This story will be about my insane journey to become a rapper! However, it will be published after this story is done so that I can focus on them separately and not be delayed on either of the stories. This is all you're getting fornow. I will be giving you guys a little snippet later on but for now i'll be a little mean. Sorry!
Bye! I love you all so much!

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