Can we go out?

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When she entered, she looked around and said "Draco, can I speak to you alone?" she asked. I was shocked, first, because she had called me by my first name, second, because she wanted to speak to me! I looked at her for a moment. "Sure." I said. My friends looked shocked at this sudden apearance. Hermione and I went outside to the corridor and she said, "I wanted to ask you something." she said looking nervously around to see if anyone was listening. I was starting to get nervous as well. "What is it?" I asked. I really was acting like a Gryfindor. "Draco, I've been liking you for a while and I was wondering if... you would like to go out sometime." she said the last part in a rush. I was completely speechless. "I like you to." I said. Now it was her turn to be shocked. "Really?" she said. "Yes but I didn't know how to tell you." I said with a shy smile. "Who would've known. A Slytherin and a Gryfindor going out?" she said. I giggled. "We can talk about the details when we get to school." She said. "Your friends might be wondering where you are." "Ok." I said. Before she left, she kissed me on the cheek. I blushed 50 shades of red. She smiled and waved. I waved back. As I entered my compartment, my friends noticed my flushed face. "What did she need?" Asked Maxime. I sat back down and said, "She asked me out." I said.

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