After everything

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Draco's Pov: After a wild night, Hermione and I layed in my bed cuddling. My dorm mates had come back but didn't notice us because Draco had put a silencing charm around the bed and drawn the curtains. In the morning, we went down to breakfast together and got weird looks from people. When we entered the hall, Hermione went to the Gryfindor table. When I sat down at the Slytherin table, Blaise said, "What were you doing last night?" "What? I wasn't doing anything." "Well, you're apearance says otherwise." he said smirking. "What?" Than I realised that I must've still had some of last night's remenants on me. "Oh um, let's just say I have someone in my life." I said. Blaise snorted "Really?" "Yeah." "Who is it?" I didn't want to tell him I was dating Hermione. So I said, "It's just someone from our house." "Yeah right," he said laughing. When I had finished eating, I went to my first class and the day dragged on with no major events.

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