A fresh start

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Draco's Pov: It had been a crazy year. The war had ended and a lot of great people had passed. But now it was time to go back to Hogwarts but I knew it wouldn't be the same. I also had a secret, I never told anyone for the fear of being judged. I liked Hermione Granger! The girl I had called a mud-Blood in second year. She was so smartest witch I'd ever met but I never wanted to admit it to myself for a long time. I boarded the Hogwarts Express with a couple other Slytherins and we talked about last year's events. "What do you think this year will be like?" said a 6th year Slytherin girl named Maxime. "I don't know what to expect." I said with a look of longing on my face. I really didn't want to think about what had happened last year because I knew I would start thinking to much about it. "Do you think they rebuilt the school?" said Maxime's best friend Cleo. "I think they must have." said Maxime. "It was such a tragic war and there was so much distruction." Was it just me, or were we acting like Gryfindors? I was about to reply when the compartment door slid open and we stared in shock at who had just entered. It was Hermione Granger, the girl I had liked for my whole time at Hogwarts was in our train compartment. I didn't even know why she was here. Everyone knew that Gryfindors didn't get along with Slytherins.

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