Telling Draco!!!

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Draco's pov: The next day, Hermione asked to talk to me after breakfast. "What's up?" I said. "I need to tell you something Draco. But I don't know how you'll react." This girl was scaring the shit out of me! "What is it?" She sighed. "I'm pregnant." My jaw dropped. "What? Are you sure?" "Yes Draco, and it's yours." "What the---" "I don't know what to do now!" she said, she looked stound as if to look for someone. "Nobody can know about this. They'll think it's some sort of joke or something." "We need to keep it a secret." "Do you think we should have the baby?" "What? Of course I do." "It's going to be very hard to keep this pregnancy a secret." "It might be. But that baby is alive and it's our child. We can't just give up on our child Hermione." "You're right. We can't g[q~@]ve up on our child." I smiled. "I bet they'll look like me." Hermione giggled. "No, I think they'll look like me." "Wanna bet?" I smiled at her. "How about ten galleons?" "Ok. That sounds good." We hung out for a bit longer than we decided to go back to our houses. We decided that the best thing to do was to try to hide it as much as possible for now. How should I tell my friends? They would find out eventually so I might as well tell them. When I came back to the common room, I sat with Blaise and Pansy. "I need to tell you guys something." "What is it?" "So you guys know how i'm with Hermione?" "Yeah?" "Well, I got her pregnant." Pansy gasped. Blaise looked stunned. "You didn't use protection?" said Blaise. "No. I didn't." I said honestly. "What are you going to do now?" said Pansy. "I'm going to raise our child along with Hermione." "No! You have to tell her to get rid of it!" "No! Are you fucking serious? Why would I do that?" "Because that relationship won't ever be a thing!" Blaise snapped angrily. "I really like Hermione!" I said angrily. Then I walked to my dormitory.

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