That sounds really suss!

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Harry's pov: I couldn't believe it! Why had I snapped at Hermione like that? I looked around the room uncomfortably avoiding everyone's eyes. Everyone seemed to be lost for words. Suddenly, I got up and walked to the girls' staircase. "What are you doing?" Ron asked in complete shock. "I'm going to talk to her." I said. "But you can't---" "I need to, Ron." I said. "I don't know why I had to do that." I thought sadly as I climbed the girls' staircase.
Hermione's pov: I was sitting in my bed with the curtains drayn around me. I couldn't believe that Harry had said those things to me! Before I could think anymore, I heard the door open and a familiar voice said, "Mione? Can we talk?" "Go away." I mumbled in to my pillows. "Mione, please." Harry said. "I'm sorry for what I said, ok? I just, snapped." he said. I sat up and opened the curtains of my four poster and sat back down. "Fine." I said. Harry came in and sat down next to me. "Look, i'm really sorry for what I did." he said. "I think i'm just worried." he said looking at me. "What? Worried about me?" I said. "Yes." he said looking serious. "I just don't want anyone to hurt you Hermione." "But, Draco didn't hurt me Harry." I said holding back tears as I looked at him. Harry looked up in slight shock. "Since when did you call him Draco." he asked me. "Since I started liking him." I said quickly trying to change the subject. "Why did you attack him?" I asked. He looked at me sadly. "I was trying to protect you, but I didn't go about it the right way and I'm so sorry Mione." "I understand Harry and I forgive you." I said, smiling. "Thanks." Harry said, he looked relieved and sad at the same time. Then a question popped in to my head. "Wait, how did you even attack him Harry?" Harry looked up chuckling. "This might sound suss but I kind of leapt on him." he said starting to laugh. My mouth fell open. "Wait, what?" I said trying not to start laughing from picturing Harry tackling Draco. "That sounds really suss Harry!" I said. "I know right?" he laughed. I was about to answer when the door opened.

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