He turns the name over in his mind. It rings with rightness, and he lets out a quiet breath of relief. That much, at least, he thinks is the truth.

"Where am I? What's... going on?" he asks.

Mundi exchanges a look with Yoda. "The Jedi were destroyed by the Sith. We are in hiding," he answers. "We rescued you from the Sith."

It also feels true, and it nags at something in his mind, something he can't grasp. "What... happened to me?"

"Injured in the fight, you were," Yoda responds, "But come inside, you should. Eat you must, and then discuss this more, we can."

Yoda moves forwards into the hut, and Anakin follows, ducking down in a sitting position to fit. The ceiling is ridiculously low, and he can't do more than sit up straight in here. Mundi follows, and the three of them take seats around the table as Yoda brings some food over.

He doesn't know what to think of these people, but they haven't given him a reason to distrust them yet. Still, he can't shake the nagging feeling that something isn't quite right.


Anakin doesn't know how long he's been on Dagobah – apparently that's the planet's name – but as soon as the Jedi finished explaining the situation to him, they insisted that he needed to help them destroy the Sith. Since these Sith murdered ten thousand people for their own greater power, and are trying to control the galaxy right now, he can understand what the Jedi saying.

The Sith are evil, or at least that's what they keep repeating to him. If what they're saying is accurate, it's true.

And he's a Jedi, even if he doesn't remember it, so it's apparently his destiny to destroy them.

That feels... right, even if it also feels... Something. He doesn't know.

They spend the next several days training and preparing for his departure. He doesn't remember any of his former training, but his body does. And once he starts using the Force again, that comes very easily too.

It frustrates him to no end, though, that he remembers nothing. Everything he knows, he has to rely on these people, and he hates it. The one thing he always had were his memories – though he doesn't know why he thinks that – but now he has... nothing. Except the destiny Yoda and Mundi are telling him he needs to fulfill.

"Know your identity, the Sith cannot," Yoda warns, one afternoon.

"Why?" he wonders. If he's going to be attacking them, they'll know he's a Jedi anyway.

What's with that look the two exchange whenever he asks certain questions? "Because of your power, the Sith will try to win you over to their side," Mundi explains.

"Dangerous, the Dark Side is, even to older, more experienced Jedi Masters," Yoda warns.

"It will be safer for you if they never know," Mundi replies.

That, Anakin supposes makes sense.

It's the evening before he leaves Dagobah on his first mission, and he's more than a little nervous. He finally settles down to mediate for a while, trying to let it calm him, and reaching again for the briefest glimpses of memories that constantly elude him. He misses... someone, multiple someone's – he thinks – but that's all he knows. He can't even be sure of that. None of the strange sensations he occasionally gets about this make any sense, since he has no context to base them off of or anything. All he can do is follow what the other two tell him. It doesn't feel like they've lied to him, so he should probably do as they say. (So why does he keep having questions?)

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