"Oh, you're the one Melissa kept bragging about last week when I started working here! My name's Ron Crimson, it's really nice to meet you!" the man said while holding his hand out.

( Note: This is what Ron Crimson looks like! )

"Oh, Izuku Midoriya, it's really nice to meet you as well

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"Oh, Izuku Midoriya, it's really nice to meet you as well." Izuku answered as she grabbed the man's hand and shook it. 

The second they finished their handshake, Ron looked down and his eyes locked onto little Katsuma. 

"Well lookie here, and who're you?" Ron asked, as he knelt down in front of the boy. 

"This is Katsuma, and these two are Izuki and Izumu, they're my kids. Katsuma, say hello." Izuku answered. 

"Hello..." Katsuma muttered. 

"Well don't you look really familiar, have we met before?" Ron joked. 

"Ahem! Ron, in case I didn't tell you before, Izuku here is married to the Number 1 hero. Hence why little Katsuma here looks so familiar." Melissa coughed. 

"Ah~ So you're the Number 1 hero's son, that means you're probably gonna be the future Number 1 hero then. Then you gotta work hard to be just like your dad!" Ron cheered, and Katsuma was in awe from his encouragement.

"Since Izuku's here–and I'm sure she needs a little break from her kids–Izuku, why don't I watch your kids for a little bit and you can show Ron around the facility and maybe some suits too." Melissa suggested. 

"Ah- that sounds simple, sure, I can do that. Thanks Melissa." Izuku replied. Melissa took hand of the stroller holding the twins and whispered; "Good luck" in the greenette's ear and walked away with Katsuma following her. 

'Hm? Good luck? What did that mean?' Izuku thought. 

"So what can you show me first, Mrs. Dynamite?" Ron asked. 

"Oh please, you don't need to be so formal and call me by my husband's hero name, just call me Izuku." Izuku suggested. 

"Great, then where should we go first?" he asked. 

"Hmm... Why don't I show you some of our latest hero designs?" 


( Meanwhile )

"Why the hell are all of you bothering me, I'm busy!" Katsuki yelled as he sat at his desk. It seemed like a normal day at the blond's agency, but he was interrupted by the Bakusquad showing up at his office and all of them were talking about their wives either currently pregnant or they already have kids. 

"Aren't my kids so cute, they look just like my sweet Kyoko!" Kaminari squealed, shoving the picture of his kids in the blond's face. 

"I hope my kids are gonna look cute when they're born, Ochako's been struggling her entire pregnancy." Sero muttered. 

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