Chapter 23 - Eve

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My seclusion was finally over. I still felt uneasy living in the new environment but the fear of uncle Henry coming to drag me back was gradually dissipating. I was able to breathe and felt free.

Living with Jack Barrett wasn't a hardship after all. The man was working all his free time, coming home only at night.

To my embarrassment I enjoyed the time we spent together kissing and making love. It seemed like Jack Barrett managed to wake up a pleasure starved monster in me, because whenever his dry lips brushed against my neck I was melting into a puddle. In his skillful hands I was as soft as pastry dough, letting him mold me into the shape he wanted and relishing in the process. It looked like he was conditioning my body and psyche to respond to his needs. The process appeared successful to me.

The morning after our first night together I woke up mortified with embarrassment. I was unable to face the man who in one day made my body feel emotions so shattering I felt like dying multiple times from his touches. To my relief Mr Barrett was nowhere in sight. Mrs Coleman notified me that he had gone to the office early in the morning while I was still sleeping. He left his credit card for me though and insisted that wouldn't refuse myself in anything during my shopping time.

I smiled at Mrs Coleman's interpretation of what might have been a harsh order coming from Barrett. I remembered Tina and Amber. Both women looked exceptionally fashionable comparing to me. Sadly shopping was the last thing on my mind. College however couldn't wait a single day anymore. So I grabbed a quick bite in the kitchen and took a bus to the university campus.

After the classes I realized that I didn't have to worry about being late to work anymore. I could visit my dad at the hospital and have as much time as I needed with him, without rushing away after spending hardly an hour by his bed side.

Thrilled by the opportunity, I bought a random detective story at the local bookstore and rode a bus to the hospital. I had a plan to have our favourite reading session together.

I smiled to the woman at the front desk, a little confused at the surprised expression her face took when she saw me. The woman's name was Beth Lott. I had been a daily visitor in this hospital for years, so she recognised me as well, I was sure if it. I couldn't have changed that much in one month, short hair didn't count.

"I came to visit my dad," I said to Beth Lott. "Mr Alastor Wattenberg."

Ms Lott frowned then eyed me pensively.

"A minute." She adjusted her heavy rimmed glasses and typed something on her computer.

"Mr Wattenberg is no longer staying in our hospital." She informed me dryly. "His file states that he had been transferred to the rehabilitation center in Boston."

This couldn't have been true. I talked to my dad just yesterday.

"When?" I asked the woman. "When was he transferred?"

Ms Lott looked at the computer screen again.

"One week ago." She replied. "On Thursday."

"Thank you." My lips hardly moved.

How could this have happened behind my back? Was my dad really fine? What if Ted Smith had kidnapped him and forced to pretend that everything was fine when he talked to me on the phone.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again the world around me spun. I swayed, my knees growing weak, and grabbed onto the high front desk. The forms for visitors scattered around when my hand slipped and accidently pushed them off the desk.

"Miss! Are you ok?"

"Somebody call Dr Davis!"

I blinked. Darkness was still clouding my vision. Reality became a thick curtain of fog to me. I felt a little water being gently poured into my mouth and vaguely registered someone trying to unlock my cellphone by pressing my fingertips one by one to the scanner.

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