Chapter 8 - Little Eve

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"Here, let me help you."

My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I heard my uncle's low voice over my head. His dry thick fingers brushed down my bare back and I shuddered.

"Don't pull that hard. It's okey. Stop moving I said!"

Embarrassed and humiliated I had no choice but to allow uncle Henry to untangle my hair and all the while... I had a feeling he was looking at my exposed chest. Also it seemed to me like it took ages for him to finally set me free.

When the garment, obscuring my view, was at last removed, I hurried to cover my nudity and glared at uncle Henry.

"You can't come into my bedroom like this." I told him off in a shaky voice. "I could have been..."

"Naked?" He finished for me and scratched his protruding belly. "We are family, Eve. It's not like I haven't seen you undressed before. I don't understand what the problem. I remember you running around with your bare bottom. So what if I saw a bit of skin. There is nothing you have that I haven't seen before."

I pressed the yellow sweater close to my chest. What was he saying? He remembers me when I was... what... three or four years old? But I am no longer a toddler. I am almost sixteen. And he had just invaded my privacy. He violated my personal space and so nothing wrong in his actions.

I pursed my lips. My body brimming with indignation.

Uncle Henry scanned my face and by the look of how rapidly his own face changed color, he didn't like what he saw.

"We are not going to argue over this incident." He raised his finger and shook it in front of my nose. "I am not wishing you bad, Eve. Is that what yoy think of me? That uncle Henry is an abuser?"

Taken aback by his straightforward verbal atack I backed off a bit. Did I really see him as an abuser? I didn't think so. Somehow his reprimand made me feel embarrassed.

"Sorry," I started chewing on my bottom lip nervously. "I didn't see, who came in and I got scared."

The pink spots on uncle Henry's face began to fade and he was visibly calming down.

"Do you have anything you need?" He asked next and I shook my head. I wanted him to leave. "All female items, panty liners, tampons, pain killers. I want you to feel comfortable here, Eve."

My throat went dry. Was he serious asking me this? I felt cornered again. How should I react? What if he thinks I'm accusing him again? Confused, I didn't know what to reply, and decided to hide behind a polite reply.

"Y-yes, thank you for your h-hospitality."

His watery blue eyes measured me up and down leisurely and then he smiled. I didn't like that nasty smile.

"You didn't grow any taller since I last saw you." He stated pensively.

"I take after my mom." I managed a weak reply.

Both uncle Henry and my daddy were very tall men. I was hardly reaching their shoulder level. But my mom was an average height. I was the only short one in our small family.

"Alright," he patted his belly again. "Gotta go to work. Keep the company afloat. Since no-one else can do it. Haha." He chuckled and tapped my nose. "I'll see you in the evening. Dinner is at seven."

I hesitated.

"I dine at the hospital..."

"Not anymore," he interrupted me. "You have an uncle who had missed you. I don't ask you to cook, just to keep me company at the table. And no worries. Your dad will be overjoyed you stopped doing extra hours at the hospital."

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