Chapter 2 - Eve

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The elevator doors opened with a soft "ding" and immediately the depressing atmosphere of the underground floor wrapped tightly around me. I looked down the dim lit corridor, took a deep breath and stepped out of the elevator.

I was a twenty three years old short brunette of an average beauty, with smooth long hair and bright blue almond-shaped eyes. The latter was probably my only distinctive feature, because apart from my well endowed body, which in the world of models and slim beauties earned only salacious remarks, I had nothing to brag about.

My light footsteps resonated in the empty hallway with a soft echo. Doors appeared on each side of the wall, with only numbers as door signs. That didn't help my search a bit. A walked for a while longer but didn't meet a single soul to direct me. Neither the office workers nor the cleaning stuff members were around. A couple of minutes later I stopped by the WC door and pushed it open. My weak legs carried me to the rows of sinks where I splashed some cool water in my face.

"Another Rayan's girl, I presume?" A voice behind me enquired just as I saw a tall blond girl leaving the toilet cabin.

With cat's grace and provocative death of her hips she approached the mirror and started wiping off the smeared lipstick from her flushed face, all the while looking at my reflection.

"I'm Candy," she said, smirking. "Marketing department."

"Eve Hart," I shared reluctantly.

I didn't trust people easily. Especially those eager to know me. I had that doubt planted in me from childhood, when uncle Henry attempted to play dressing game with me and I happened to see his goodies. It didn't help me much in my teenage years though.

"I haven't seen you before," the girl pushed. "Are you new?"

Her cat-like eyes narrowed on me inquiringly and all I replied was "No".

The girl laughed and it sounded fake. I watched her pulling out more paper towels, moistering them under the tap and rubbing of the mascara smears under her eyes.

"Keep you secrets," she said with a nasty lip curve. "But just in case you feel like sharing your sorrows, you have about two minutes, because, you see, I have to leave the building in less than fifteen and still have some shit to pick up at my work table."

I blinked, unconcerned by her troubles.

"Do I look like I have something of importance to share with you?" I told myself that I was merely curious and was not trying to buy some time for myself before facing the devil in his office.

Candy laughted again, this time much louder.

"Look at you. Like a brave rabbit in a wolf's den. The fact that you are here tells for itself, bunny. You were repeatedly late right? And he called you down before reporting you to the human resources manager? Let me give you a free advice girl, don't let him come in your mouth, he appreciates doing that only in pussy."

She rolled her eyes at my paled expression.

"Why do you think I am packing? I'm on period you see, so I sucked him dry for days. Only he handed over my violations to our human resources manager anyway. Bastard."

Her crudeness was unpleasant. Still it was a second person relaying unfavorable opinion about the security room man. Rayan was his name, wasn't it?

The blond Candy girl finished scrubbing her face and now was wiping her cleavage area from dry white substance.

Was it his...?

I wanted to vomit.

"How can a simple security man use his position to inflict quid pro quo harassment and remain unpunished?" I asked after I gathered enough wits for the benefit of doubt.

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