Chapter 17 - Eve

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Mr Barrett disappeared upstairs but I could still hear him talking to someone on the phone, and the conversation didn't sound pleasant.

"I don't give a fuck!" He growled. "Find out for whom the motherfucker prepared that love nest for."

Silence. I heard something heavy falling on the floor.

"I'm not the one to teach you, Alec! Cut off his toes but make him talk. You got me? Do your job!"

I shuddered at another crashing sound and moved towards the sofa. Mr Barrett's jacket was left carelessly on its arm.

My dad used to leave his jackets everywhere for my mom to pick them up and hang in the dressing room. After she was gone the job became mine, but not for long.

I looked at Barrett's jacket again. It was undoubtedly custom made, dark material looking smooth and expensive.

Who was taking care of his clothes? - I wondered. Was Tina the one placing his jackets in the wardrobe?

Strange questions I was asking myself... I wasn't here to take care of Mr Barrett's jacket though, so I stepped aside, wondering what I was supposed to do now.

I remembered that Mr Barrett wanted to talk to me but couldn't do it dressed in this slutty attire. Uncle Henry's taste in clothes and decorum was always cheep, no matter how much money was at his disposal. He was buying expensive, extravagant items only to show off that he could afford them. Barrett's apartment was the opposite of uncle Henry's condo. Decorated in modern grey colours it had minimum of everything. I liked this style which had more space than heavy furniture.

The familiar bedroom greeted me with the same grim atmosphere. This time however I found the switch on the wall and turned it on instead of litting only the bathroom light.

The clothes I borrowed last time from the wardrobe got replaced. Hoping that Mr Barrett wouldn't be angry at me for two minutes delay I got into the shower.

I felt better after washing off the grime of the weeks from my skin and hair. In the shed I couldn't afford long showers for the fear of being watched.

After drying the droplets of hot water with a white towel I looked around admitting a problem. I didn't have clean underwear here. Quicky I washed my panties in the sink then hang a little red piece to dry. Changing into clean sweatpants and shirt made me feel safe nonetheless.

A floor lamp was emitting a small yellow light over the sitting area. I peered around the corner trying to detect Mr Barrett's presence but saw noone. Who switched on the light then?

Gathering my courage I stepped into the living room only to stop short when I noticed Mr Barrett occupying the darkest part of the sitting area near the staircase. He was recling in the armchair and reading something on his phone while sipping an amber liquid from a tumbler. A bottle of whiskey was lying on top of the plank square coffee table in close vicinity.

I watched him for a while standing still, not wishing to disturb Mr Barrett's working process. But apparently he sensed my presence long before I approached the sitting area. He placed his cellphone aside and motioned with his long fingers for me to come closer.

Hesitantly I moved forward, my oversized bathroom slippers echoing in the silence of the living room.

"My lawyer will bring the papers tomorrow." Mr Barrett said when I stopped by his side and taking a drink from his tumbler. "You will give me the right to sing the documents in your stead - power of attorney it is. As to my profit from the deal, I stand by what I said earlier. You give me thirty percent of your shares and a factory in Boston."

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