Chapter 12 - He

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The night went to hell.

I considered ignoring her. I really did. Tina was accompanying me - tall, fit, blond, gorgeous and accommodating. Everything I valued in women combined in one thin package.

So why the hell did I keep thinking about Thumbelina's short form and soft curves?

Probably because I really hoped not to see her at this party. Yes, I was well aware as to who she was now, thanks to my head of security's swift report. At first I did presume she was one of those poor birds that got into Rayan's trap. Now I thought different.

"Go home," I told Tina when her manicured hand delved into my pants.

It was neither the time nor the place for sexual activities.

"I'm not interested in your service tonight." Thumbelina and her uncle both disappeared upstairs and were gone for a while now.

Tina rose from her knees and hurried to tuck her boobs back into the dress.

"You sure?" She asked, sounding surprised.

Was I?

I nodded and Tina promptly disappeared from my sight.

It might have been first time her huge fake boobs didn't arouse me. Instead I was thinking about miss Eve Hart Wattenberg, registered at my company simply as Eve Hart. As it turned out she also was my future business partner's niece. Potential business partner. Nothing has been decided yet.

Herry Wattenberg long wanted to cooperate with Barrett industrials. I, on the other hand, was not in a hurry. Now however, the man and his niece caught my attention.

Thumbelina wasn't interested in the present festivities. It also didn't escape my attention that she tried to put distance between Henry and herself a couple of times.

I evaluated her strange behaviour. She didn't look like a person used to hosting parties. Quite the opposite - Eve Heart seemed skitish, tense and antisocial in her own house.

After watching her for a while longer I came to certain unpleasant conclusions. Especially upon noticing Henry Wattenberg's leery and clingy behaviour toward her. He watched Eve with familiar to me possessiveness. And behaved as if he owned the girl, as if she was his.

If I had to find out that miss Eve Hart Wattenberg was the one under the attempt to sabotage years of my hard work, neither her juicy tits nor the suculent ass would save her from my retribution. I will reduce her to nothing.

And If Henry thought he had guts to use his niece to get into my pants and thus blackmail me into signing a contract with him, he'd better move to another city. There would be no life for him in Grand Forks. That I can guarantee.

Of course my suspicions about these two had to be verified first.

I aproached to greet the couple and saw Eva's face. She was pale, frightened and above all surprised to see me.

The confusion on her face couldn't have been fake. Even her uncle had to squeeze her arm hard enough for Eve to come out of her stupor.

My eyes ran up and down her full forms wrapped in crimson dress. Such a delicate treat in such demure package. Never before I had a liking for little women. Too much trouble with fucking them from behind against the wall. Even with them on heels I had to widen my stance and bent my knees, which was challenging and quite exciting when I was a teenager but only grew irritating with age.

My eyes narrowed on the faint bruising marks on Eve's forearms. They had a certain fingerprint-like shape. Henry indeed had a strong hold on her arm.

Something wasn't right here. My six sense was telling me that there was more to the eye than what I had vitnessed occurring between them so far.

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