Chapter 44 - Three Words

Start from the beginning


Victoria's POV


I shouted and grabbed the basket of laundry. I quickly and carefully walked down the stairs carrying the heavy basket. "How many times must I tell you to have this house cleaned up! Guests are coming over!" My mother shouted as she placed red lipstick on her lips. I cringed and placed the basket of laundry in the laundry room "I'll have it clean right away-" "Good. You're lucky we are heading out for brunch" my mother pointed her finger to my chest and fixed her blazer "If this house is a mess I will make sure to take away your school privileges. Understood?" I nodded my head. Can't dare to argue with ANY of my family members if I even want to get out of here..

My sister and father came walking down the stairs with their formal wear. Not even a kiss goodbye or contact was made. They left the door with no words left to say. I felt hopeless everytime they left. It made me wonder if my sister really loved me or she felt pity for me...

3rd pov

"Okay okay okay"

Michael inhaled air, catching his breath as his laughter became small chuckles. He took off the hair ties from his hair and handed them to you "Show me how then" he smirked and you rolled your eyes playfully. You combed his hair back tying it back into a bun. Had to say, it was a big relief getting all of those locks away from his face. "There until you book your next haircut" you chuckled and kissed his cheek "Should I cut the mullet?" he looked at his face in the mirror "If you want too" you sighed laying your head on his shoulder. He hummed in response.

Sammy quickly ran into your room holding action figures in his hands "Bet you can't catch me!" he said in his evil villain voice and laughed "Oh I will!" Michael got up and began chasing Sammy down the hallways.

Sammy giggled and dodged every move Michael did. He decided it would be best to run down the staircase and hide downstairs and he did just that. He held on tightly to his action figures on both of his hands being occupied. As he quickly took his third step, he slipped. Everything happened so quickly he couldn't comprehend how to save himself from this situation. He only closed his eyes and braced himself for the hard impact. His forehead hitting the cold tile floor, knocking him out. A large cut formed over his forehead and began bleeding. Michael panicked and called your name out as he walked down the staircase.

You dropped your makeup brushes and ran out of your room. Tears formed over your eyes and your heart dropped to the pits of your stomach, looking at Sammy there bleeding and being held in Michael's arms from the top of the staircase. You rushed downstairs quickly "Michael call the ambulance!" you managed to say as you took Sammy into your own hands. You grabbed paper towels from the kitchen and placed it over the deep cut within his forehead. You can whispered sweet nothings to him.

Sammy stood in a black void. Nothing but blackness stood around him. Each step he took further into the void seemed to not make any sense. A sound of a electricity spark was made, catching Sammy's attention. He turned around to see a robotic dog malfunctioning. Sammy let out a small gasp, feeling his heart drop to his stomach.

A tall man stood behind Sammy. He placed his hand on his shoulder and leaned down. A smirk formed over the cruel man's face. "Sparky"


Victoria sat on her desk. Textbooks spread open and the window halfway open, allowing fresh cold air to hit her face. She placed her pencil down and starred out into the sunset. Three words made their perspectives change. Not one or the other knew the thoughts of one.

Did he really like me?

What did I do wrong?

Romance was always something everyone wants to experience at least once but.. why did it have to be such a long process. Why did I have to feel such feelings..

Her heart felt empty but full. She wanted to hear those same words again over and over like a song on repeat, but how could she? If she doesn't even know if his words are a joke in the first place..


"William! Calm down!"

Clara's eyes widened as she saw her husband pace the kitchen, throwing items around "You should have saw this coming! Don't you accuse me for such stupidity!" William shouted throwing another plate on the floor. "I did everything to keep our family happy! All you do is prioritize your work over your own family!" Clara furrowed her eyebrows, holding back tears. "I am! I'm keeping us alive!-" "No you aren't! All you do is argue over everything I do!" Clara shed tears and clenched her fists. Both argued back and forth with getting no where. Elizabeth covered her ears, leaning back  against Michael's bedroom door. She clinged onto the phone calling Y/n's house multiple times.

William's face practically turned red from the anger.

Of course at some point...

It had to spill..

The truth...


Diary of
ꪀꪮꪻᠻꪖ ꪑꪖ꠸ꪶꪶ꠸᭙

Experiment #006

Human Testing
Species: Human
Name: D/N L/N [ your dad's full name]
Age: I/A [insert age]
Inanimate Object: Yenndo



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