'Heh. You did something so you will pay the price, besides. Look at yourself, if I hurt you more then you'll probably die!'

'YOU CAN'T KILL COUNTRIES! WHAT DID I DO WRONG TO DESERVE THIS?!' Taiwan cried before hissing slightly from the pain that shot up her leg.

Taiwan took the note from her pocket and looked up, Amelie and Jane glared back down at her.
'Jane, finish the job, take this Taiwanese thing away.' Amelie said, informing the corpse that Taiwan had her arms wrapped against.

Jane walked over grasped Taiwan's wounded arm from all the fighting and torture she'd gone through.
'N-No! Let me go!' Taiwan cried, 'PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!' Taiwan yelled. Jane kicked Taiwan down towards Amelie, falling on top of her best friend that was right in front of Amelie. Taiwan and crying a mixture of angry tears and tears full of agony.
'DO YOU EVEN HAVE MORALS?! THAT WAS MY BEST FRIEND!' Taiwan cried while trying to calm the burning sensation on her arm.

'Oh please, you seriously befriended a human? A stupid human? Not even something... your own.. kind?' Amelie laughed, 'Seriously, you refused to give me access to the outer world, you refused to do as I say and be my ally.' Amelie pulled Taiwan closer to Taiwan, Taiwan's vision got blurrier from her own blood that covered her eye, so quickly smeared it off her face and looked at her hand before looking up to Amelie.

'You think KILLING MY OWN BEST FRIEND WOULD MAKE ME GIVE TWO FUCKS ABOUT YOU?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!' Taiwan screamed while stopping at the end, sobbing loudly. 'Y-you killed one of the only people I cared for... someone who didn't FUCKING USE ME FOR MY ABILITIES OR OTHER STUFF! YOU TRAITOR! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!!'

'People want a dragon mixed thing with like a side power? Seriously? I'm pretty sure the other's you told me about could do better.. black magic users you say?' Amelie tossed Taiwan back to Jane, who catches Taiwan.

'LET ME GO!!' Taiwan said, trying to pull Jane off her. Taiwan's legs weren't giving her any support, it was too wounded to do anything.

'Calm down.' Jane commanded Taiwan, Taiwan head butted Jane till she fell on the ground, Taiwan was on top of Jane now.

'ME? CALM?! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE UPSET!!' Taiwan chocked Jane, grabbing Jane's neck as hard as possible from her burning rage. She felt like seeing the blood of her enemies on her hands, she felt like destroying everything around her. First her mother, then her father, then her Ally, then losing contact with her family, rising tensions and stress and now Chen? CHEN?! They took it too far.

Jane coughed loudly and Taiwan felt bad, she felt like letting go but she wasn't thinking straight.. did she have the right to? Amelie pulled Taiwan off Jane and Jane gasped.
'LOOK WHAT YOU DID YOU LITTLE MONSTER!' Amelie yelled at Taiwan, why was Jane the victim now..? Taiwan couldn't understand.

Amelie took Taiwan by her hair, Taiwan screamed in agony.
'You could've have listened.'
'I'm not betraying them.' Taiwan refused, 'you know what...?'
Amelie looked at Taiwan and let out a "hmmm?".

'YOU CAN FUCK OFF!' Taiwan pulled out her claws quickly, transitioning more into her dragon form and slashed Amelie's left cheek, Amelie let go of Taiwan and she fell to ground, crawling as fast as she couldn't before using a wall as support to limp on her left leg.


'Goodbye.' Taiwan said in a monotone voice before pressing the button.

'TAIWAN NO!' Amelie called out, it was too late, a light blinded them for a quick moment and she was gone with the machine.


Taiwan was back in her own universe. She leaned against a glass door, leaving blood smeared on it as she limped to Hong Kong's office, it was the only person she was thinking about. Her brother.

She ignored the blood dripped from her forehead, arms and legs. She ignored the wet tears to partially washed the blood off her cheek, she ignored all the attention from her coworkers. She only had one person to go to...

'Hong Kong-!' Taiwan called out as she banged on the door weakly,
'Hong Kong!' She screamed with a hoarse voice.
Hong Kong opened the door and gasped to see Taiwan fall on him, he quickly catches her on time and panics.
'Taiwan..? Is that you?! What happened.. oh my gosh you need help! I'll ask later!' Hong Kong panicked instantly, he put her arm around his shoulder and paced to UN's office.

'SOMEBODY HELP!! TAIWAN RETURNED!! HELP!!' He arrived quickly at UN's office since he was nearby. UN saw Taiwan and was surprised she returned.. it's been a while.

UN quickly took Taiwan and checked her vitals, nothing was good, she was severely wounded, she was lucky that she wasn't a human otherwise she would be dead by now.

'Taiwan can you hear me? Put two fingers up! Show that you can hear us.' Taiwan was getting weaker and couldn't even lift her fingers, in fact.. she simply passed out. 'TAIWAN! ASEAN, EU, NATO QUICK!!' It was late... too late.


Taiwan looked at Ukraine, who was simply... speechless.
'That's what happened when you returned?' Taiwan wiped a tear away quickly and nodded.

'I still have the note. I never opened it after I returned.'

'Do you still have it..? Like now.' Taiwan nodded, 'open it then.' Ukraine suggested, Taiwan blinked a couple times and pulled the note out of her pocket. It was brown from dried blood. Ukraine nodded at Taiwan and she opened it, slightly tearing the fragile paper since the dried blood glued it together a bit. Ukraine didn't try to peak or anything, just watching Taiwan's reactions.

She gasps and her eyes teared up, there was no possible way.
'Taiwan..?' Ukraine asked Taiwan, she ignored Ukraine and screamed before tearing the paper in full rage and throwing it into a river. 'Taiwan!?'

'We need to find East, then Germany and the others and get the fuck out of here.' Taiwan warned, 'We can't be here!' Ukraine turned to the teared letter that was already gone somewhere else...

East was making sure the area around was safe from last time.. what even was that? She looked at the river to collect some water for later and saw some ripped paper piece going along the river, she jumped nearby the river and fished the pieces out.. she saw some words.
'What the f- people go here?' East went inside her area and used some of her magic to fix up the letter as best as she can and looked at it.

The handwriting was messy, but neat at the same time in ways you can't describe.

Dear Taiwan,
I know I've only knew that you were actually well, not human three months ago. You've been gone from your family I suppose and things.

I wrote this because I know I'm not going to stay here. Listen, I already knew you weren't human. I wasn't meant to be your best friend, my apologies but I was actually on the other side. I have faked my death to do this and I have to warn you when you escape (which I know you will).

You might be wondering, what did I do to betray you? Trust me. Many things. I sold out information about you, I put a location tracker on you, I tried to capture you multiple times during our hangouts, I tried to convince you to join Lenny, Amelie, Jane and Max.

Taiwan. If you come back a second time, watch out. They are prepared. Amelie never gave up her plan to do whatever she wanted. I'm sorry. Please forgive me if you see me again, and please please do not murder me.

Chen, your best friend.

Taiwan was here? That means Ukraine and others must be here on Earth too! I mean.. at this point USSR is dead which was was she hid from all these years.

She also didn't want to be hiding all the time and she did miss her family, wait.. this letter.. this isn't good isn't it? Amelie isn't the main enemy here isn't she?!

What if it was Taiwan's best friend..?

There was no point in hiding anymore from most people... she remembered how Ukraine taught her a bit about her magic.

After multiple attempted a, she made a small butterfly and sent it out.. now all Ukraine had to do was to find it. She didn't have to hide anymore, did she?

Experiment 3 (countryhumans)Where stories live. Discover now