Chapter 20: Changing Plans

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Jacqueline squinted for a few seconds before responding, "No.  Sorry for staring." She looked down at her soapy hands, "It's just that I have a headache, my ears are ringing, and my eyes hurt so bad." Jacqueline winced, "I guess I'll have to go ask if my uncle has some ibuprofen in his office." She muttered out.

Elizabeth shifted her weight on her legs and took a few steps to stand beside Jacqueline, leaning on the sink, "You uncle?  Does your uncle nearby for you to leave during lunch?" Elizabeth asked with an expression that clearly said, "I don't care who your uncle is, but I'm just asking for small talk."

Jacqueline pat some water onto her forehead before turning off the tap, "My uncle works here in school."

That was all it took for Elizabeth to respond in recognition, "Oh right, your last name is Moore right?  Is your uncle the gym teacher."


ELizabeth hummed, "He's pretty handsome.  Pity he's married, some of the other girls had asked if he was single, it was hilarious seeing their shocked expression at hearing that the school nurse is his wife.  But to think that you are his niece." She sighed, "Well, I can see some good aspects in you."

Jacqueline let out a small laugh, "Yeah, my uncle is good looking.  My aunt had a hard time keeping the other girls away from him when they were dating." The lie fell out of her lips as smoothly as rain drops falling to the ground.

"Bet your uncle lets you do whatever you want to in class." Elizabeth smirked as looked in the mirror and smoothed out her shirt.

That class was one of the ones that they didn't have together, they had four classes together out of the seven classes, "Not really.  He doesn't really hold back on anyone including me.  He would probably get mad at me if I slacked off." Jacqueline turned her back to the mirror and leaned on the sink, "He sure didn't hold back in training." She muttered, which Elizabeth was able to hear.

"Training?  Does he give trainings?" She asked seeming amused.

Jacqueline quickly shook her head and paled at the thought of Aaron giving anyone any training, "No.  He taught me some basic self-defense a while back.  He doesn't really teach anyone, I think he wouldn't have taught me if I weren't his niece and if I didn't need it."

"I see."

Their small talk came to an end when Jacqueline gave another wince, "I have to go now, I'll see you in class."


Strangely enough after that small talk in the bathroom Elizabeth would frequently talk to Jacqueline.  Some may think that the two girls had become friends, but it was none of that.

They were merely acquaintances with one common thing, Martin Moore.

One being the niece, and the other being a girl having found and interest in Martin, though according to Elizabeth there were no romantic feelings it was merely curiosity on the man that managed to capture and break the hearts of some of the girls in the first days of the beginning of the school year.

"I thought it was going to be harder than I thought to be able to talk to her." Jacqueline confessed one day at lunch to Martin.  Jacqueline, Martin, Joshua, and Jessica were all in the office, a rather small office at that, "But we managed to start talking.  Though it wasn't what I expected."

Joshua smirked, "I sure didn't expect that either.  If I knew it was that easy, I would have gone up to her and told her that you were Aaron's niece on the first day." He laughed, "Who would have thought that Elizabeth would be interested in this stoneface of a man." Joshua pointed at Martin.

"Well, I find that an attractive trait of his." Jessica gave her opinion, "Though his bluntness can be a little unexpected, but that's just him."

Jacqueline looked at the other three in the room and slowly took a bite of her scone, 'He is good looking, but I'd rather not get any further into that thought.' She suppressed a shiver.


"Good afternoon, this is Amy.  How may I help you?" Amy said into the phone she held next to her ear, "Yes.  Please wait a moment as I transfer your call." She put the person on hold as she pressed a few numbers to transfer the call.

Seeing no one around, Amy slumped down on her desk, her head knocking onto the desk with a small thud, "Why are there so many calls and papers to fill out?" She lamented, "I thought the promotion thing was just some fake formality thing.  Why do I have to process everything before it's given to Jiovanni.  It's like I've become his secretary." She closed her eyes, "At least the pay is better than I thought."

Originally her hourly wage would have been the same as it was in her previous job, but considering that she wouldn't be working as many hours due to her other work, Jiovanni took pity on her and gave her a raise.

"You're a young girl, you probably have things you want to buy and do.  And maybe Aaron is giving you a hard time isn't he." Jiovanni had told her.

It was Thursday evening and aside from working, Amy also had to work on any homework that was assigned since she wouldn't have time to finish it at home.

As she worked on her math assignment her phone vibrated on the desk, her eyes drifted to the phone, "Why is he calling me?  He knows I'm at work.  Did something happen?"

"Is something wrong?" Amy answered.

"Our target was in an accident.  The mission has taken a different turn, now it's been changed from getting information to protecting her."

Amy's mouth went dry, "An accident?  Was it intentional?"

"We believe someone is trying to cause some strife between their business and family." Came Aaron's response from the other end, "We're changing plans."

"Okay." Amy answered quickly, 'This mission isn't going to end any time soon with how dangerous it just got.'

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